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每只眼睛后面都有个鼓膜。Behind each eye there is an ear drum.

我应该鼓膜和眼球破裂。My eardrums and eyeballs should burst.

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这只牛蛙的耳鼓膜和眼睛一样大。This frog's eardrums are as big as her eyes.

鼓膜中心则留下一变干的小孔。Tympanic center leaves the alveolus of one desiccate.

他的耳鼓膜被爆炸的气浪震破。His eardrums had been punctured by the force of the explosion.

你的鼓膜开始震动,以440次每秒的频率,你们听到音调。Your eardrum oscillates 440 times per second-- you hear this tone.

目的探讨鼓膜镜在鼓膜成形术中的临床应用价值。Objective To evaluate the application of tele-otoscope in myringoplasty.

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你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.

治疗OME不该进行单纯的扁桃体切除术或单纯的鼓膜切开术。Tonsillectomy alone or myringotomy alone should not be used to treat OME.

终于有一天,当她的双耳鼓膜被打破的时候,她给警察打了电话。She finally called the cops the day both her eardrums burst from his blows.

目的观察低功率氦—氖激光局部照射对鼓膜外伤的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of He—Ne laser irradiation on injured tympanum.

你不应该试图这样做在家里,因为它能够造成损害,从而影响鼓膜。You should not attempt to do this at home, as it can cause damage to the eardrum.

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此外,它还描述了鼓膜的振动,电磁波的传播等物理过程。Moreover. it also describes vibration of drumhead and spread of electromagnet wave.

鼓膜在水平耳道的末端可见。The tympanic membrane is visible at the distal termination of the horizontal canal.

在鼓膜背后、充满空气的中耳室内所发生的问题就复杂得多了。Things get more complicated behind the eardrum, in the airfilled middle-ear cavity.

仔细检查“血疱”,发现其为一只卷缩肢体,吞食鼓膜的蜱。Microscope " hematic blister " , discover its are a crinkly limbs, devour tympanic tick.

方法在耳内镜下利用自体颞肌筋膜对26例患者行鼓膜修补术。In this study, 26 cases of tympanic membrane perforation were treated with myringoplasty.

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目的观察耳屏软骨膜行鼓膜成型术的效果。Objective Evaluation of the effect in myringoplasty using antilobium perichondrium graft.

口服,直肠及鼓膜温度计现在过时这一新红外线技术。Oral, Rectal and Tympanic Thermometers are now archaic with this NEW infrared technology.

这张血管网对于鼓膜损伤的修复至关重要。This network of blood vessels is important for repair of damage to the tympanic membrane.