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我厌倦了你的见异思迁。I am weary of your changing.

他是个见异思迁的人,我认为他不会有什么出息。I don ' t think he can go far.

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他总是见异思迁。He is always changing his mind.

他是一个见异思迁的人。He is not a one-woman kinda man.

他是个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。He is a half-hearted man, i don't think he will be successed.

暴雪见异思迁,显然是为了获得更大的利益。Blizzard is freakish , it is to acquire larger interest apparently.

他的父母去年才花钱买了一套英超联赛的DVD,却眼睁睁地看着他见异思迁。Last year his parents invested in a Premier League DVD, only to see him switch allegiance.

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女人!我看你爱唠叨,慕虚荣,见异思迁,天真幼稚,骄矜自用,充满幻想。Woman! , when I behold thee flippant, vain, Inconstant , childish, proud, and full of fancies.

事实上,男人希望女人绝不眼波流动、见异思迁,而是需要女人能全心委身于两人的关系中。In fact, men want a woman who does not have a " roaming eye" and who can wholeheartedly commit to the relationship.

背叛是男人的血统,博爱是男人的宣言,自由是男人的口头禅,见异思迁是男人的风尚。Betrayal of a man's origin, love is a man's declaration of freedom is a man's mantra, rolling stone is a man's habits.

而人地赋性中又有见异思迁地倾向,由于加重啦树立在性爱上地婚姻地不不变性。Human nature and the grass is always greener and there were a tendency, because aggravated sex marriages are based on the instability.

背叛是男人的血统,博爱是男人的宣言,自由是男人的口头禅,见异思迁是男人一贯的风尚。Betraying is man's nature, loving one another is man's declaration, freedom is man's tag, changing about has always been man's fashion.

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在马卢达决定加盟切尔西之前,他已经十分接近与利物浦签约。对于这名法国边锋的“见异思迁”贝尼特斯表达了自己的不快。And, with Malouda having decided to move to Stamford Bridge after being close to a move to Liverpool, Benitez has suggested he is unhappy with the France winger's motives.

好的资源探索者是机会的创造者和优秀的网络工作者,但倾向于见异思迁,忘记小细节。A good Resource Investigator is a maker of possibilities and an excellent networker, but has a tendency to lose momentum towards the end of a project and to forget small details.

浮躁心理是社会转型时期一种常见的社会病态心理,在研究生群体中也有一定表现,如见异思迁、急功近利、焦躁不安、悲观失落等。Blundering psychology is a kind of familiar morbid psychology in society, and it also exists among postgraduates, such as fickleness, haste-in-progress, dysphoria, pessimism, and so on.

文章对相关文献进行梳理,厘清了顾客多忠诚的定义、分析了顾客多忠诚行为与见异思迁行为的异同点,并给予评价。This study is based on the extant literatures and reviews the definition of multi-loyalty. The similarities and differences between multi-loyalty and variety seeking behavior were evaluated.

欧洲面向发展中国家的旧车出口业规模庞大,但那里的客户像塞克这样“见异思迁”似乎已经形成了一股潮流,这不仅打击了欧洲的旧车出口业,也向那些知名的新车生产商拉响了警报。Mr. Seck is on the buying end of a trend that is denting Europe's considerable used-car exports to the developing world and sending out early warning signals to established makers of new cars.