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地幔羽应称为氢羽。The mantle plume is really the hydrogen plume.

一个超大陆的形成使地幔绝热。The formation of a supercontinent insulates the mantle.

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成矿物质初始来源于地幔。The ore-forming materials were derived from the mantle.

夫人的地幔是一个具有止血收敛和属性。Lady's Mantle is an astringent and has styptic properties.

金矿床的硫具多源性,来自于地幔和围岩。S of the gold deposit comes from the mantle and country rock.

海水含有的重氢含量同样比地幔的重氢含量高。Ocean water does have more deuterium than water in the Earth's mantle.

之前的研究中“地震层析成像”使科学家们观测到了“地幔热柱”。The volcanic plume had previously been imaged using seismic tomography.

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流体和熔体均为地幔交代作用的介质。Fluids and melts are all the metasomatic agents for mantle metasomatism.

中间圈包括岩流圈以下地幔的其余部分。The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere.

结果显示,中国大陆地幔热流的空间分布不均匀。Our result shows the nonuniform distribution of mantle heat flow in China.

地幔柱起源于上—下地幔还是核—幔边界?。Origin from upper mantle-lower mantle boundary or the core-mantle boundary?

不能把S-型花岗岩作为地幔柱岩浆作用的证据。S-type granites should not be considered as the evidence of plume magmatism.

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当板块分离时,热熔的地幔物质将流进去,以填补由此产生的缝隙。As the plates separate, hot molten mantle material flows up to fill the void.

石英拉斑玄武岩是岩石圈地幔的熔浆。The quartz tholeiites may be the products of the melts of lithospheric mantle.

地幔流体的碱交代作用形成大型—超大型中高温热液矿床。The alkali metasomatism of mantle fluids forms large scale mesothermal deposit.

PGE对原始地幔标准化模式呈正斜率型。The primitive mantle-normalized PGE patterns belong to the positive slope type.

地幔热柱具有多级演化特征。The development of mantle plume has the characteristics of multi stage evolution.

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碳酸岩可分为原始地幔原生碳酸岩和广义“碳酸岩”——富氟钡型碳酸岩。Carbonatite can be divided into primary carbonatite and F—Ba rich type carbonatite.

事实上,月球地幔层的所储藏水有可能与地球地球中的总量相当。In fact, there could be as much water in the lunar mantle as in the Earth's mantle.

中部地幔台坪区是我国微细浸染型金矿最主要的分布地区。Gold metallization is very in. tensive in the east upwarpet district of mantle plate.