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我回到了以往的生活。I when back to my ori life.

他们以往一向是被人瞧不起的。They used to be looked down on.

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我比以往任何时候都更健康。I am healthier than ever before.

很多雇主重新招聘的速度也比以往更慢。Many also were slower to rehire.

我觉得身强力壮一如以往。I feel as well and strong as ever.

当我跳舞我比以往任何时候都性感。When I dance I'm sexier than ever.

你比以往任何时候都更可爱了。You're looking lovelier than ever.

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跟以往一样,我坐在了“闺房车厢”。I rode in the women's car, as usual.

签证续签不再如以往般轻而易举。Visa renewals are no longer routine.

您的以往的主修科目是甚麽?。What is your major study previously?

正如以往,最后的不代表眇乎小哉的。And as usual, last doesn't equal least.

我现在比以往任何时候吃得都健康。I am eating healthier than ever before.

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以往我们天下大乱。When we were lost in chaos and rampage.

但老师们以往是不必这么做的。But the faculty did not have to do that.

今天的词条数目超过了以往任何时候。It includes more entries today than ever.

现在差距又重新出现——并且比以往都大。Now the gap is back—and bigger than ever.

沙漏记得,我们以往的时光。The sandglass remembers the time we lest.

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今天,我们比以往任何时候更需要彼此。Today, we need each other more than ever.

儒门弟子,现在越来越多,超过了以往。Disciples now become more, more than ever.

谁来提醒我们那些以往的处事方式?Who is going to remind us of the old ways?