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古典音乐的听众年纪可能大一些。it could be older audience.

啊,古典的力量啊。Ah, the power of quaintness.

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但你喜欢古典音乐。But you like classical music.

比起古典艺术,我更喜欢现代艺术。I prefer it to classical art.

他在校勘古典著作。He is emending classical authors.

这些古典名著我百读不厌。I never tire of reading classics.

与古典音乐不同,as opposed to in classical music,

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在古典音乐领域也是如此Same thing in the classical realm.

西班牙开局,开放,古典防御。Ruy Lopez, Open, Classical defence.

你风信子的柔发、古典的面孔。Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face.

但是,古典音乐也有旋律啊。Well,but classical music has melody.

我和鲍勃两个人都喜欢古典音乐。Bob and I both loved classical music.

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近来古典音乐又流行起来。Classical music has revived recently.

霍布斯是一个有天赋的古典学者。Hobbes was a gifted classical scholar.

德扬博物馆有很多古典艺术品,But the De Young has more classical art

我还喜欢古典音乐和芭蕾舞。I also like classical music and ballet.

他能把许多古典作品倒背如流。He can run off many classics from memory.

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史诗是一种古典的,无宗教信仰的形式。The epic form is a classical, pagan form.

我开始听古典音乐。And I started listening to classical music.

他是我们最伟大的古典派演员之一。He is one of our greatest classical actors.