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我可以出示给您那些条规吗?May I show you the regulations?

或许您要读一读那些条规。Perhaps you would read the regulations.

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下了订单就相等于您已阅读并同意以上所有条规。After order means you have agree the above conditions.

显然的,条规帮助我们与别人和谐共处。Obviously, rules help us to live in harmony with one another.

它呈现著对于国贸条规二种个别的误解是非常普遍。It appears that two particular misconceptions about Incoterms are very common.

就学术上而言,这或许比重写中央银行条规的书还要不让人兴奋。It may be less exciting intellectually than rewriting central banks’ rule-books.

伊斯兰教设立这些条规的目的,是为了赋予女性应有的尊严。Islam, the establishment of these regulations is to be given the dignity of women.

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在其中一个选择点卖出的更高的价格,这条规能使其赚更多的钱…The higher price at which an option is selling the more money this rule will make.

任何修行者想在本禅院修行都必须遵守以下条规。Any yogis who wishes to stay in this hermitage must accept and comply to the following terms.

但在一个有着更多严格条规的社会,人们感觉受到了严重冒犯。But in a society with more rigorous rules than most, sensibilities have become deeply offended.

监管机关如食品及药品管理局并不担忧其创立条规的执行问题。Regulators such as FDA don’t even worry to enforce anything they were set up and established to do.

以惊险特技动作闻名的香港影视明星成龙表示,好莱坞的安全条规让他在拍片时受到很多限制。Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, famous for his daredevil stunts , says he's frustrated by Hollywood's safety rules.

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中国古代科举考试的条规和监督措施以及对舞弊的惩治非常严格。The rules, the monitoring policy and punishment for fraudulent practices in Chinese ancient Keju Examination are very severe.

举个例子,死板的条规表示不会容忍那些在思想上开小差的人,尽管这些是创新所必需的。Rigid rules, for example, send a message that the deviations in thinking that are necessary for creativity won't be tolerated.

无论如何,国贸条规是在实务中于单纯的国内市场之内及时同样被含入在货物销售合同中。However, Incoterms are in practice at times also incorporated into contracts for the sale of goods within purely domestic markets.

这些将会对酒类销售产生重大影响的限制条规震撼了饮食业。The food and beverage industry is alarmed by these restrictions which it believes will have a significant impact on alcohol sales.

接下来,将信息包的头信息与它所传递到的链中的每条规则进行比较,看它是否与某条规则完全匹配。Next the packet's header information is compared with each rule in the chain it is passed on to, unless it perfectly matches a rule.

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他们经过各城,把耶路撒冷使徒和长老所定的条规,交给门徒遵守。As they traveled from town to town, they delivered the decisions reached by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem for the people to obey.

过多的库存会耗尽你的资金,为此你有必要删除多余的库存,通过执行更好的管理条规来使你的事业蒸蒸日上。Excess inventory can eat up your cash, so ditch the superfluous stock and use better management practices to keep your business booming.

“等等,”拉文突然想起一件事,“你的禁令连接在飞船的主日志中,既然你无法传输,你又是如何知道条规内容的呢?”A thought struck her. "Your compulsions are tied to the ship's master log of law. If you can't transmit, how do you know what the laws are?"