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闪电战不再有精度惩罚。Axis Blitzkrieg no longer gives accuracy penalty.

在孤注一掷地闪电战中他猛冲过外国领地。He careened through foreign territories on a desperate kind of blitz.

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填字游戏探索是我们经典的入门级版本,纵横字谜闪电战。Crossword Explore is a beginner-level version of our classic, Crossword Blitz.

当然,一般来说,最多就记录了2、3天,这些闪电战就“不战而剩”了Of course, the recordings usually lasted 2 or 3 days. Then the Blitz suddenly ended.

这场闪电战反映出在等级评分的不稳定性得到投资者认可之时已为时过晚。The blitz reflects a belated recognition that such ratings always were a bit dubious.

另一种人才的新武器叫闪电战将使充电能力额外损失严重。Another new Arms talent called Blitz will make the Charge ability hit for extra damage.

他当选首相时正值闪电战降临英国的前哨。He came to power as Prime Minister just as the Blitzkrieg descended upon Britain's outposts.

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⊙、男人喜欢打闪电战,用最短的时间拿下女人,把喜新厌旧的周期缩短。Men like to play blitzkrieg, with a woman, in the shortest time to shorten the fickle cycle.

大家知道,装甲集团军是闪电战战术中最为重要的部分。As we know, the Panzer Army Group is one of the most significant divisions in the Blitzkrieg.

德国在第二次世界大战期间大部分伟大的军事成就都离不开闪电战策略的功劳。The German military in World War 2 achieved most of its great victories with the Blitzkrieg tactic.

有的学者希望政府能来一场公开宣传的“闪电战”,以此来督促普通的日本民众增加开销。Some pundits want the government to launch a publicity blitz to urge ordinary Japanese to spend more.

结果在就好像它在我肚子里搞了个闪电战,而我的肠子扮演了捷克斯洛伐克。And the result was an internal Blitzkrieg, with my lower intestine playing the part of Czechoslovakia.

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这场公共闪电战的目标是说服美国人相信政府将帮助他们走出经济大混乱。The publicity blitz is aimed at persuading Americans that government help will get them out of their economic mess.

如果敌人拥有空中优势,那闪电战就不可能实行了。就如隆美尔和其他德国指挥官在战争后期所面对的局面。If the enemy has it, Blitzkrieg becomes impossible, as Rommel and other German commanders found out later during the war.

由于1941年贝尔法斯特闪电战爆发,这只名叫“希拉”的小象被转移至一个平常人家的后院,此前它一直生活在贝尔法斯特动物园。Sheila lived at Belfast Zoo until she was moved to her unusual home in 1941 as the city underwent the so-called Belfast Blitz.

英国经历了闪电战,从1940年开始就有一把刀逼在英国的咽喉,我很确定英国人越来越不耐烦的渴望转机。Englands gone through a blitz with a knife at her throat since 1940. Im quite sure that they, too, are impatient and itching to go.

这种时候,女孩子的自尊心更加脆弱,拼命地想全副武装,对媒体闪电战最敏感。It's the time when girls have more fragile self-esteem, desperately want to “fit in” and are most impressionable to the media blitz.

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英国履历了闪电战,年夜1940年起头就有一把刀逼在英国的咽喉,我很确定英国人越来越不耐心的巴望起色。England's gone through a blitz with a knife at her throat since 1940. I'm quite sure that they, too, are impatient and itching to go.

酒精的作用,更主要的是强烈的欲望骚动,促使我要求男朋友来一次闪电战,于是我们跑到楼上开辟了战场。Incredibly horny and more than a little booze-fuelled I was begging my boy for a quick shag, so we raced upstairs and got down to it.

拴住赶了过去对吉田一顿奚落,小安子告诫吉田不要总想着闪电战,练刀工得慢着点。Through out the past to yoshida, a ridicule, small armyann warned yoshida, dont always think blitz, practice the points knife slowly.