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知了停伏在树林问,跟我捉起迷藏。Cicadas in the woods, stop V asked me Zhuoqi dodge.

夏天,魔术师把知了喊出来为我们唱歌。Summer, the magician the cicadas cry out for us to sing.

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内部人员的露风,我得知了事情的真相。An internal member leaked information, so I got to know the truth.

俱乐部成员们即刻被告知了其计划的变更。The club members were immediately apprised of his change of plans.

姜窦通知了郑北关于刘时键父亲的遗愿。Ginger sinus informed about LiuShiJian zheng north father's wishes.

才可以有一个没有知了、小虫吵闹的下午。Spend an afternoon without noise of cicadas or other little insects.

垂柳上的知了不停地欢叫着,仿佛在诉说小溪的美丽。Weeping cicada kept crying happily, as if to tell the beautiful brook.

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如果我们预知了未来,那我们将都是预言者。If we knew what would be happened in the future, we were all prophets !

范丹听见这个音讯,马上回家通知了奕德和林父。FanDan heard this message, come home immediately notify the game, and LinFu.

如果威尔逊的病情,他的疾病感缺失已广为人知了会怎么样?What if the truth of Wilson’s condition, his anosognosia, had been more widely known?

——知了听起来像106只上了发条的铁皮玩具齐鸣,她说。The cicadas sound like a hundred and six tin wind-up toys going all at once, she said.

安娜怀上了渥伦斯基的孩子,她的丈夫卡列宁也得知了此事。Vronsky Anna got pregnant with the child, her husband karenin also learned the matter.

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在一片蟋蟀、知了、偷窥的青蛙发出的噪音中,潺潺的流水在附近汩汩流淌。Above the noise of the crickets, cicadas, and peeping frogs, water babbled and gurgled nearby.

夜幕降临,知了呜咽声,令人生厌的壁虎的嘎嘎声混杂在哗哗的倾盆大雨声中。As night came, the buzz saw of cicadas and the pestering croaks of geckos rose through the downpour.

知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威。Cicadas do not live in the sticks of hair and a very agitated cry, like in the cheer for the hot sun.

在日本,丰臣秀吉祭奠母亲,却意外得知了淀殿怀孕的消息,便不再去朝鲜。Hideyoshi festivals in Japan, mothers, pregnant accidentally learned that the lake temple, so they dont go to north Korea.

我在很多年前第一次学习瑜伽时得知了交替鼻孔呼吸法,之后从传统印度医学中也对此有所了解。Alternate nostril breathing is something I first learnt about through yoga, many years ago, and then from Ayurvedic medicine.

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麦收过后,知了振翅飞上枝头,藏在树叶中,竞相卖能起歌喉。After wheat harvest, cicada wings flew up into the branches, hidden in the leaves, the race to sell will be able to take voice.

这些天来,动物园里从龙蜥蜴、非洲野狗到白头画眉鸟都在争相享用知了大餐。These days, a host of animals from bearded dragon lizards to African wild dogs to white-crested thrush birds are enjoying cicadas.

另一组被告知了这种道德两难情况,然后要求他们预测自己是否每个问题都作弊。Another group was given a description of this moral dilemma, and was then asked to predict whether or not they would cheat for each question.