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绝育的重要性怎么强调都不过分。The importance of neutering cannot be overstated.

他们有了第五个孩子之后,她做了绝育手术。She's been sterilized after she had five children.

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对于男性来讲,输精管结扎术是唯一的绝育手术。For men vasectomy is the only option for sterilization.

德国牧羊犬,体重85磅,已绝育,说德国话。免费。German Shepherd, 85 lbs. Neutered. Speaks German. Free.

绝育同时也可以减少狗狗的一些行为问题。Neutering also can help reduce some behavioral problems.

请帮我做绝育手术,这样我会更健康。Please send me castrated , so that I will be more healthy.

早期雄性绝育可以最早在2月龄进行。Early-age neutering may be done as early as 2 months of age.

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给狗做绝育。绝育后的狗咬人的可能性大大降低。Neuter or spay your dog. These dogs are less likely to bite.

她支付,绝育及食物从她的退休金和捐赠。She pays for neutering and food from her pension and donations.

如果你觉得一只已绝育的母猫进入了发情期,那么一定是出了什么问题!If you think your spayed female is in heat, something must be wrong!

在这种情况下,这将有助于大大有您的男性绝育。In this case, it would help tremendously to have your male neutered.

就算是一再选择再婚的女性也有权利选择绝育。More than a third of married women there have opted to be sterilized.

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我们请求您,如果你为你的宠物着想的话,请为它们施行绝育。If you want to save lives, always have your animals spayed or neutered.

注意,操作早期绝育手术的需要经过特殊培训。However, early-age neutering requires special training of veterinarians.

一些人有几个孩子,并愿意行绝育手术。Some have had several children and are willing to have sterilization surgery.

所有被拯救的狗儿马上被带到兽医诊所接受健康检查及绝育手术。The dogs were taken straight to the vet where they were health checked and desexed.

早期绝育指在性成熟之前进行的阉割或子宫卵巢切除术。Early-age neutering refers to castration or ovariohysterectomy before sexual maturity.

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另一方面,喷施和绝育并非完全没有可能的否定。On the other hand, spaying and neutering are not completely without possible negatives.

手术切除和绝育同时进行能有效防止复发。Removing the tumor and neutering the dog at the same time will help prevent recurrence.

没有必要仅仅因患糖尿病而中断妊娠或绝育。Not was necessary mere because suffer fromDiabeticAnd interrupt gravid or sterilization.