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更多的红军蜂拥爬上了铁索。More reds now swarmed over the chains.

那条狗用铁索拴在柱子上了。The dog is fastened to the post by an iron chain.

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树状支架,树状十字及为连接上下桅的铁索的眼螺栓。Shows the trestle-trees, cross-trees, and the eye bolts for the futtock shrouds.

服劳役时,扭铁索,推绞盘,冉阿让抵得上四个人。At work, at paying out a cable or winding up a capstan, Jean Valjean was worth four men.

有大约50个尼姑住在这个庵子里,其生活用品从深深的河流峡谷对面的寺院用铁索补给。Around 50 nuns live there, on rations winched up from the monastery over a deep river gorge.

开顶箱配备PVC防水帆布罩和带铁索密封装置的可装卸框架。Open-top boxes with waterproof PVC with canvas hood and cable sealing devices handling framework.

网柱为圆形且平滑,不使用金属铁索以固定网柱于场地上,其装置必须无妨碍和危险。The posts are rounded and smooth, fixed to the ground without wires. There shall be no dangerous or obstructing devices.

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沟内有龙潭映月、铁索崖、摩耳崖等著名景点,令人望而生畏、叹为观止。There are Moon-reflecting Dragon Pond, Iron Chain Precipice and Moer Scarp, etc. , which are frightening and impressive.

结果显示对于等温淬火球铁,激光硬化层中马氏体片的尺寸与基体奥氏体—贝氏体中的铁索体板条尺寸相近。The effects of laser hardening on the structure and wearability of a normalized and an austempered ductile iron were investigated.

一旦亚莎被她的双胞胎兄弟,混乱之龙鄂加斯所遮蔽,在亚山的溶岩核心里绑住鄂加斯的铁索会被危险的解开。Should Asha be obscured by her twin brother Urgash, the primal dragon of Chaos , the chains that bind him at Ashan's molten core would be dangerously loosened.

后墙与岩间有八条铁链相连,每逢游人云集,铁索即伸展,绷如弓弦,故有吊庙、活楼之称。Its back wall and the crag are connected with eight shackles, that will extend, stretching like the bowstring, so it has got the name of Hanging Temple and flexible building.