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在上述代码更换头套、挽救。Replace the CAPS in above code and Save.

把萝卜头的头套套在某个学生头上,假装要拔他,说。Johnny tried to pull the turnip up. He sang.

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伊沃克人道具服由5片拼缀而成,外加雕刻的头套。The Ewok costumes were five-piece affairs with sculpted heads.

外头套件羊毛夹克,翻领上别着小小的美国国旗徽章。Under a wool jacket with a miniature American flag pin on the lapel.

一些患者已经能使用这种头套通过文字处理器进行交流。Some patients have already used the caps to communicate via word processors.

你还能获得十项检验,90天返销保证——甚至还免费赠送球杆头套。You can get 10-point inspections, 90-day buyback guarantees -- even free head covers.

头上戴着头套,Emilce无法看到发生了什么,以及自己将被带往何处。With a hood over her head, Emilce could not see what was happening nor where was she being taken.

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然而第一代脸基尼严格意义上讲,就是个头套,然而现在已经是全身覆盖的套装了。While the first generation of facekinis were strictly headwear the suits now offer full-body cover.

麦克勒说,头套内的晶片能收集讯号,以无线方式传送到电脑U。A chip inside the headset collects the signals and sends them wirelessly to a receiver plugged into a U.

然而,在前置放大室中,一些设备演化成了生物安全柜和闭塞空气头套。However, some of the equipment evolved to Biological Safety Cabinets and Dead Air Hoods in Pre Amplification.

两名建筑工人从一片铝线后面浮现,他们的脸隐藏在头套后面。Two construction workers emerge from behind a sheet of aluminium siding , their faces concealed beneath balaclavas.

亨利?兹头上套著黑色的头套,被带到断头台上,用生命为他的所作所为付出代价。Henry Wirz, led to the gallows with a black robe draped over his shoulders, paid for all these events with his own life.

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然而,在反向道路上被警察团团包围的抗议者,可不相信那两个建筑工人的头套只是为了保暖。However, the protesters corralled by police on the opposite pavement do not believe the balaclavas are for warmth alone.

脸基尼是一种游泳时用的防晒头套,只露出眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴。Facekini is a mask designed for swimmers and beachgoers which covers the head and reveals only the eyes, nose, and mouth.

天雪跟豆豆更急,使轻功猛冲至现场,看见一个身材高大,带著黑色头套,只露出两个眼睛的黑衣人被五六根套索套住,正在挣扎。They see a stalwart guy in black suit with a head-cover only exposes two eyes is restrained by 5-6 lassos and struggling.

室外作业建议带橡胶手套和防滑鞋,束缚长发的头套。Rubber gloves and non-skid footwear are recommended when working outdoors. Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.

首部曲中内莫迪亚人最终套上了电控动作头套,这些特点就合并到吉奥诺西斯人的设计中。These characteristics were incorporated into Geonosian designs since the Neimoidians ended up being realized as animatronic masks for Episode I.

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一个带着皮面具的壮硕祭祀用黑色的无眼头套蒙住那个牺牲品的头,然后从腰间拔出一根一英尺长短的钉子。A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash.

在一个汽缸和相邻的水套之间的引擎汽缸头套环泄漏的标志是冷却液冷却液产生泡沫或者过热,并且冷却液流失。An engine cylinder head gasket leaking between a cylinder and an adjacent water jacket is indicated by coolant foaming or overheating and loss of coolant.

戴布希头套的示威者在加拿大蒙特娄的联合国气候会议外拉提琴。Demonstrators wearing masks depicting U. S. president George Bush fiddle outside the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Montreal December 5, 2005.