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另一个比较形象的例子是调音叉。Another good example is that of a tuning fork.

那是音叉发出的声波的干涉的结果。That’s the interference of sound waves from the forks.

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你应该需要找到类似调音叉的东西,我可以想像。You'll have to find some kind of tuning fork, I imagine.

这里有个音叉,震动频率是440次/秒。I have here a tuning fork which oscillates 440 times per second.

将震动音叉杆靠在受检者乳突。Place stem of vibrating tuning fork against client's mastoid process.

设计了音叉电容式微机械陀螺检测电路。The sensing circuit tuning fork micromechanical gyroscope is designed.

这个音叉,产生4000的赫兹,一个很高的频率。I have here a tuning fork which generates 4,000 hertz, a very high frequency.

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就象一只音叉,人类物种调协到灵性层的思想。Much like a tuning fork, the human species attunes to the thoughts of spirit.

音叉被敲击时,发生几乎纯质的声调,其音量经久不衰。When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitc.

石英音叉陀螺是一种新型的振动陀螺。The micro quartz crystal tuning fork gyroscope is a new type of vibratory gyroscope.

它是个在特定波长的音叉,它组成了你们的能量特徵。It is a tuning fork on a certain wave length, which makes up your Energetic Signature.

利用梳状电极每个音叉被静电激励和敏感。Each tuning fork is electrostatically actuated and sensed at resonance using comb electrodes.

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这个声音波来自这个音叉传递并且让音叉靠近这个共振使用相同能量。The sound waves from this fork propagates and makes forks nearby resonate with the same energy.

因此他等着,再倾听一会那已经在一颗星上敲响的音叉。So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star.

所以他等了一会,想再多听一些那些敲击在星星上的音叉发出的美妙声音。So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning-fork that had been struck upon a star.

压电微音叉具有良好的谐振特性,并易于实现其振动的检测。Piezo-electrical micro-fork has good resonant property, and its vibration is easy to be measured.

设计了一种基于体微机械加工技术的新型音叉式微机械陀螺。A novel tuning fork micromachined gyroscope, based on bulk micromachining technology, is presented.

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本文从音叉效应出发,谈了对宁波物流定位的一些认识。Some cognition of Ningbo s logistics positioning from tuning-fork effect is discussed in this paper.

粘接音叉和光纤探针的胶粘剂对由石英音叉和光纤探针构成剪切力控距体系的品质因数有明显的影响。The assembly of tuning fork and optical fiber probe is used to perform the shear force distance control.

研究了利用音叉原理自制的激振式疲劳极限测试系统。This questionnaire is administered to the fatigue-limit testing system by using the theory of tuning fork.