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转化的使用。Use of transformations.

我怎么才能够把它转化成利润?How can I turn it into profits?

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你知道你能够转化它。You knew you could transmute it.

但转化为罗马人绝非一夕之功。But no one became Roman overnight.

如果你加热它,它就转化为果冻一样的胶状物。If you heat it, it turns to jelly.

它会转化成燃料芯块。It is converted into fuel pellets.

企业转化是什么?What is Enterprise Transformation?

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教学的本质是学,教要转化为学。The nature of teaching is learning.

把失望转化为力量。Turn disappointments into strengths.

为什么不将其转化为一种游戏呢?Why not turn it into a game instead?

我们必须把这些文字转化为行动。We must turn these words into action.

但如果你加热它,它就转化为果冻一样的胶状物。But if you heat it, it turns to jelly.

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将果泥、转化糖浆和葡萄糖混合加热。Heat the puree, trimoline and glucose.

将图形界面转化成代码。Converting the graphical work into code

使用转化值以进行计算。Use the converted value for calculation.

每个列转化成列表中的一个项目。Each column turns into an item of the list.

加一个电子可实现这一转化。I am going to do that by adding an electron.

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这种转化方式进化为植物中的叶绿体。They evolved into the chloroplasts of plants.

我们可以把电转化成为不同形式的能量。We can electricity different forms of energy.

在特定温度下,铅可以转化成白蜡。At a certain temperature, lead becomes pewter.