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狂怒现在成为巧妙的技能。Fury now became skill.

她的脸上全是狂怒的表情。Her face was a mask of rage.

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狂怒的风暴减弱了。The fury of the storm subsided.

则过来治愈自己的狂怒。come to be healed of their rage.

狂怒的公牛用角撞伤了我的腿。The angry bull gored me in the leg.

我想象着他脸上的狂怒。I pictured his face wide with outrage.

她狂怒之下摔碎了盘子。She smashed the plate in a fit of rage.

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平静了我狂怒的激情风暴。That silences my raging passions' storm.

一条弓起身子狂怒的蛇在盯视着我们。A fury snake overarching was looking at us.

我得了一种狂怒的病,像一头受伤的野兽。I am sick with fury, like a wounded animal.

而此时我也变得狂怒了——对一个孩子。But now I also had grown furious-at a child.

她开始狂怒地用纸巾擦。She began furiously dabbing at it with a napkin.

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正如卡列班在镜中看见自身时的狂怒。The rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass.

正如卡列班在镜中看不见自身的狂怒。Is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass.

母亲在医院里wow狂怒的大鱼待了一个月。My mother had to stay with him in the ho ital for a month.

他酒醉狂怒,拿刀威胁我们想要更多的钱。In a drunken rage, he demanded more cash and threatened us.

看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return.

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奔腾的时光割断了誓言,狂怒的四季风吹老了容颜。Pentium time cut the oath, the wind furious seasons old face.

班那哈罗是猛兽狂怒的极致化身。Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge.

势利的英帝国堤坝阻挡着狂怒的有色人种的海洋。The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color.