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“非人即佛,”坦山回答说。"A Buddha," answered Tanzan.

非人人生来都是作帝王的。But all men are not born to reign.

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在这个过程中,我们被当作非人来对待。In the process we are degraded like non humans.

非人记录啊…我想我是中邪了。The number of the beast. I think I'm possessed!

万物皆有其美,但非人人所见。Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

恒为非人之所守护。One is constantly protected by non-human beings.

激战2将会有非人的总称的人种操作么?Will Guild Wars 2 have non-human playable races?

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但是,乔·克里斯玛斯已然被种族主义非人化了。But Joe Christmas has been dehumanized by racism.

这种非人的生活,在其他女孩身上也同样上演着。Such inhuman life, in other girls who are also staged.

去颂扬布利克式非人孤独的人物。In praise of Character in the Bleak inhuman Loneliness.

没有人能够忍受这种麻木的非人般的工作。No one can stand this mind-numbing and dehumanizing work.

我现在过的是一种非人的生活,这种生活简直把我撕碎了。I lead the deuce lf a life, simply tearing myself to pieces.

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真能念佛,不计是非人我,即大忍辱。Really able to recite, excluding non-person I, that is great shame.

是以昔之君子皆哀而恕之,雄独非人子乎?The gentleman is in mourning and gone. love will a man alone, male?

“嗯哪,”老太太以一种非人的、金属般的声音哼唧着。“Mm, ” the old woman groaned in a kind of nonhuman, metallic voice.

拉开舱门我置身其中,在那儿我将是非人。And the ship slides open and I go inside of it where I am not human.

暴怒从非人的角度来看,我喜欢一个如杀人机器的男人。In a truly animalistic way, I love a man who is a fucking killing machine.

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报道谴责富士康对工人非人、机器化的待遇。The report accuses Foxconn of treating workers "inhumanely, like machines".

既已被非人化,他们将拥抱非人性和残暴。Having been dehumanized in turn, they will embrace inhumanity and brutality.

假如少于这个数,你也许所托非人。If you're spending less than that, you're probably not getting the right job.