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我们万众一心。Our million hearts beating as one.

起来!起来!起来!我们万众一心。Arise! Arise! Arise! Be united as one!

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当时我们万众一心,而现在我们同样需要万众一心。We got united, and we really need that now.

我们万众一心,同住一个家园,共享辉煌命运。We share one heart, one home, and one gloriousdestiny.

我们万众一心,同住一个家园,共享荣耀的成就。We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.

我们小组的名字叫聚心,意思是说我们彼此团结,万众一心…Our group's name is "Juxin", it means we all together to be one as a group.

中国人民将万众一心,众志成城。团结起来共闯难关。The Chinese people will unite as one, united. Towards the difficulties together.

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这些都是万众一心,和他们手他们的权力和权威,以野兽。These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast.

最终导致人们团结一致,万众一心将他推倒。In the end it was the unity and spirit of these same people that led to his downfall.

只要我们万众一心,相信灾难总是会过去的,大家加油!As long as we unite as one, believe that the disaster will always be the last, we come on!

现在,请你们万众一心,众口一词地,歌颂称扬上主的圣名。Now therefore with the whole heart and mouth praise ye him, and bless the name of the Lord.

汶川地震,坚强的中国人空前团结万众一心众志成城。Wenchuan earthquake, a strong unity of the Chinese people unprecedented concerted efforts of one mind.

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让一些更强大的市场发展成熟的球员,“是其推出”新政万众一心。Let some of the more powerful market players grow mature, " is its introduction of "New Deal of one mind.

中国各族人民万众一心,继续推动全面建设小康社会进程。Chinese people have continued to work shoulder to shoulder in building a well-off society in an all-round way.

最后提出希望,号召中国茶人万众一心,塑造中国茶产业新形象。Finally It calls on all the Chinese tea men to mould a new image of Chinese tea industry with one heart and one mind.

中国各族人民万众一心,继续推动全面建设小康社会进程。People of all ethnic groups worked together and continued to build the moderately prosperous society in all-round way.

圣主抵抗军的血腥袭击也为一度支离破碎的乌干达找到了主心骨,因为一个公众之敌使得万众一心。The LRA's bloody attacks also provide a rallying point for once-fractured Uganda, a common enemy that keeps everyone in line.

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吴仪说,面对“非典”这一突如其来的灾害,中国人民正万众一心、众志成城,全力防控疫情。Wu said that in face of the unexpected disaster, the Chinese people are standing united and doing their utmost to stem the epidemic.

万众一心,于太古「港乐•星夜•交响曲」,齐创最大型口琴合奏健力士新世界纪录!Join thousands of others playing the harmonica with HKPO to break a Guinness World Records record at the Swire Symphony under the Stars!

中国人民万众一心,我们走过了这么多的艰辛,我们是最棒的,我们战胜了一切磨难,中国加油!Chinese People all of one heart , we go by so much hardship , we have been the best , we have defeated all tribulations , China has come on!