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因此他们投机取巧不断放出不良贷款So, they had an unfortunate incentive to make bad loans.

投机取巧的团队依靠单一的强力战术制胜。A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win.

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他不想让投机取巧者在他的政党里。He wants no members in his political party who are lust along for the ride.

其结果导致投机取巧了,伪造数据资料,其。This led to corner cutting and-with surprising frequency-falsification of data.

其结果导致投机取巧了,伪造数据资料,其频繁程度使人吃惊。This led to corner cutting and-with surprising frequency-falsification of data.

不过如果我能够投机取巧的话,下次面试的时候我会聘请一位营销专家!But if I could get away with it, I would hire a marketing specialist for my next job interview!

不同于其它招聘机构,未经允许,我们不会投机取巧发送简历。Unlike other recruitment agencies we don't send CVs off speculatively or without your permission.

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此外,投机取巧和侥幸心理大多数人都有这种心理。Besides, change according to changing circumstances and fluke mind exists in the majority of people.

投机取巧或许让您在短期内获得点收获,但是最终还是功亏一篑的。Speculation might bring you some short-term returns but in the end, all would just come to a naught.

如果对希腊政府债券的降价制定强制政策,对冲基金将不能通过投机取巧来赚钱。Hedge funds would not be able to profit by free riding if haircuts on Greek debt were made compulsory.

在你的命盘中,火星对冲木星显示出铺张浪费的倾向及因投机取巧而导致的失败。Mars is opposing Jupiter in your chart showing extravagant tendencies and often loses through speculation.

所以真正学佛的人,一定是奉公守法,决定不敢投机取巧。Therefore, a sincere practitioner must be a law-abiding person devoted to meeting public responsibilities.

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投机取巧,把显而易见、肤浅的内容换句话说,无法称得上是重要发现与或原创研究报告。Artfully restating what is obvious and shallow is not the same as critical discovery and original reporting.

弗里曼解释道,随剧情的展开,莱斯特会跟随他的阴暗内心,逐渐变成“一个投机取巧的人”。Following his dark deeds, Lester will become more of "an operator" as the series unfolds, Freeman explained.

影片也因为尊重观众的智慧,绝无投机取巧,敷衍了事而赢得了赞赏。The film has also earned kudos for respecting the audience's intelligence and never taking the easy way out.

别急着把这篇日志又当成一篇投机取巧的技巧帖,想想前面的路该怎么走。Before you dismiss this post as just another list of tips and tricks, take a moment to think about the road ahead.

有些可能是因为路封了所以需要绕道经过,或者可能是那些投机取巧的人把抢来的东西运回家。This could have been due to traffic being diverted, or it could have been the opportunists taking their loot home.

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由于给中央政府发出的请求很少公之于众,一些人怀疑张先生是投机取巧。Because requests to the central government are seldom aired in public, some people suspect Mr Zhang of opportunism.

从发现如何打碎石头制做工具切割肉类开始,人类即学着投机取巧。Discovering how to chip stones to make a tool that would cut flesh was the moment man learned to be an opportunist.

朝鲜是中国友好的共产国家,只从朝鲜输入女工是个奇怪的决定,也非常投机取巧。Importing from North Korea a friendly communist country but women only is a strange decision very opportunistic also.