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大厦顶部有三个直升机停机坪。Three helipads are on the roof.

没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊的婴孩儿。No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

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水泥停机坪上有三架巨型飞机。There were three jumbos on the concrete apron.

停机坪的设计还包括聚酯剔骨。The apron design also includes polyester boning.

飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.

布什下飞机后,在停机坪受到仪仗队的欢迎。After Bush deplaned, he was greeted by an honor guard on the tarmac.

猫头鹰蝶卵上嵌花式图案看上去好像停机坪。The mosaic pattern on an owl butterfly egg looks like a landing pad.

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马斯喀特最豪华的酒店后面提供一个直升机停机坪。The ritziest hotel in Muscat offers a helicopter landing pad out back.

然而因为燃料紧缺,许多飞机阻塞了停机坪。However because of fuel shortages, some aircraft are clogging up the tarmac.

上百名影迷拥在停机坪上等待著名的影星。Hundreds of fans crowded onto the airfield to wait for the famous film atar.

货物放置是不适当的。它应该在直升机停机坪。连接,然后再试一次。The load is out of place. It should be on the helipad. Attach and try again.

套房和直升机停机坪和走廊上的保安室直接连通。A helipad leads directly to the suite and a security guard's room in the hallway.

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极少被用到的直升机停机坪,可能会增强人们的安全感,除此之外毫无用处。Our rarely used helipads may enhance the perception of safety but do little else.

站岗的军卫仍面朝停机坪外面,看来一点怀疑也没有。Army that stands guard is face to outside and seems not to have a bit of suspects.

停机坪上的十二架敌方运输机被迫击炮弹击毁了。Twelve enemy transport aircraft on the handstand were knocked out by mortar shells.

侧通风口,在门前停机坪用来驱逐热空气从机油冷却器。The side air vents in the front apron serve to expel the hot air from the oil coolers.

在敦谦沙洲的东侧建有一个监视设施,旁边还有一个直升机停机坪。A surveillance facility sits at the eastern side of Sand Cay with a heliport next to it.

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当你要开足马力才能把飞机驶进停机坪时,你就知道刚才降落时,忘记放下起落架了。You know you've landed with the wheels up if it takes full power to taxi to the elevator.

目前还不清楚美国的停机坪上有多少未售出或未付款的私人飞机。It is unclear how many private jets are sitting unsold and unpaid for on the nation's tarmacs.

几发火箭击中了机场的停机坪,战斗使开放机场设施的计划一再延宕。Several rockets hit the airport tarmac and the fighting delayed plans to re-open the facility.