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如果你是上文所描述的是你的真实写照,那么请避免多重任务吧。If this is you, avoid multi-tasking.

上文写于二○○七年八月。The above was written in August 2007.

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我们在上文曾提过自我焚化的水。We spoke above about water that combusts.

上文提到的美术故事可能是个特例。The art story above might be an exception.

这与上文提到的有些矛盾。This contradicts what was mentioned above.

回顾上文提到过的选项卡的例子。Think back to the example of the tabs from above.

注意上文所说的“选择权”,因为它是你的选择。Note how it says “Choose” above, as it is your choice.

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最后,复述上文所练习过的内容,做三分钟口语作文。And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.

末了,复述上文所练习过的内容,做三分钟口语作文。And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.

上文已经提到,压机在工厂的第一层。As mentioned, the press is on the main floor of the plant.

如上文所说,我揉匹萨面团的时间比原来要短。That said, I knead pizza dough for less time than I used to.

如上文打对勾两例所示,写作时要在页面左右留出边距。Use left and right margins as in the two good examples above.

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很难讲啊,从上文来看,所有人类成员都在受着化学制品的侵害。It's hard to say, given that virtually all humans have been exposed.

由消费者带动的重新平衡缓解上文所述的众多的紧张。A consumer-led rebalancing addresses many of the tensions noted above.

我上文所说的忽略蹲坐,指的是负重的蹲坐。I know I said above to forget squats, but I meant squats with weights.

本人承诺遵守上文乙部载列的发出条件。I undertake to abide by the conditions of issue set out in Part B above.

在闲步中也做上文提到的深呼吸和自我推拿运动。I also do the deep breathing and self-massage mentioned above as I do so.

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安东内斯库并没有对罗马尼亚本土的犹太人采取上文的严酷措施。Towards the Jews from the Old Kingdom he did not take such harsh measures.

斟酌再三之后,本人有必要对上文段落作出小小澄清。On second thoughts, that introductory paragraph needs a little clarification.

睡前补充的水分,会在上文提到的细胞修复过程中发挥作用。The water before bed will serve in the rejuvenation process we mentioned above.