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简是一个性感的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

简是一个高大而漂亮的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

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我喜欢金发碧眼白皮肤的女郎,你呢?I love blondes, don't you?

玛丽是一位金发女郎。Mary is a fair-haired girl.

金发女郎说,“土豆。”"Potatoes, " says the blonde.

丹尼尔的神秘女郎究竟是何许人也?Who is Daniel's mystery woman?

他与一个漂亮的红发女郎结婚了。He married a beautiful redhead.

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不要再向那金发女郎挤眉弄眼!Stop making eyes at that blonde!

他们叫我做风信子女郎。They called me the hyacinth girl.

然后过来吻我,妙龄女郎Then come kiss me, Sweet and twenty

我猜,当时女郎一定泪眼汪汪了吧。I think there were tears in her eyes.

女郎说,“我可不认为我可以吃得下十二块。”I don‘t think I could ever eat twelve.

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胜负到那胖女郎唱的那一刻才见分晓!…It's not over till the fat lady sings!

你刚才看到了我送那位女郎吧。You saw me seeing that young lady off.

那个红发女郎像汤姆的前妻一样招人。That redhead is as hot as Tom's ex-wife.

那位王子慷慨地给歌舞女郎许多钱。The prince lavished money on show girls.

第二天,女郎把车开到了车身修复店。The next day, she took it to a body shop.

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他答应为我介绍一位妙龄女郎。He promised to fix me up with a nice girl.

这就好办了,处理这种事情我有经验,我的太太就是一个金发女郎,没错,我说的就是金发女郎!I'll handle this. I'm married to a blonde.

第一个女郎只好把化妆盒给她。So the first blonde hands her the compact.