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你可以步行到怡和卢森堡,是个惊人的地方。Does she still come to the Luxembourg?

置地公司乃怡和集团成员之一。It is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group.

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在好莱坞,为什么章子怡和杨紫琼出名?Why are Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong famous in Hollywood?

怡和亲善大使参加在大屿山举行的夏日迎新营。Jardine Ambassadors attend an orientation camp on Lantau Island.

你可以步行到怡和卢森堡,是个惊人的地方。You can walk to the Jardines de Luxembourg, which is absolutely stunning.

安家怡和边老师正在采访村里的赤脚医生谢惠芝。Acadia and Bian are interviewing the village's bare-foot-doctor Xie Huizhi.

英国的怡和洋行是当时在中国的最大垄断组织之一。Britain's Jardine Matheson was the largest in China, one of the monopolies.

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云飞岳发现了这一幕,开枪阻击了特务追击梅怡和。Yunfei yue found this scene, shot and spotted the spy pursuit may jardine matheson.

怡和旗下很多业务单位都积极参与公益事业。Business units under Jardines have been very supportive on philanthropic initiatives.

映秀小学的师生热烈观迎怡和亲善大使的到访。Jardine Ambassadors received a warm welcome from the students and teachers of Yingxiu Primary School.

渗淡夕阳下,身着红装的章子怡和张曼玉似在刀光剑影中起舞。LOOKING beautiful in red costumes against a pale yellow sun, Zhang Ziyi and Maggie Cheung dance in battle.

消费品安全委员会声称购买了怡和公司生产的婴儿床的消费者应立即停止使用。The Consumer Product Safety Commission says people should immediately stop using the cribs made by Jardine.

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置地公司的许建中被选为本年度最杰出表现的怡和亲善大使,获颁发主席大奖。The Chairman's Award for the most outstanding performance by an Ambassador was won by Justin Hui of Hongkong Land.

演员章子怡和大陆的获奖导演殷离将出席电影节,并将在电影论坛上讲话。Actress Zhang Ziyi and award-winning mainland director Yin Li will attend the festival and lecture at its film forums.

一些大型跨国公司如日立、家乐福、西门子、怡和等也将继续参展、参会。Some big multinationals such as Hitachi, Carrefour, Siemens, Jardin will continue to have their presence in the CIFIT.

前身为香港怡和机器有限公司中国区发电机组售后服务中心。Formerly known as Jardine Matheson, Hong Kong Equipment Co. , Ltd. China, after-sales service centers generating units.

到机场欢迎胡锦涛主席的还有中国驻文莱大使杨燕怡和使馆工作人员等。The Chinese Ambassador to Brunei Yang Yanyi and the staffs of the embassy also welcomed President Hu Jintao at the airport.

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厥后,那个我相识的spa经理通告我每当章子怡在北京的时候,章子怡和汪小菲就总在一起。Later, thespamanager, of who I am acquainted, told me that Zhang and Wang always got together whenever Zhang was in Beijing.

今年、置地公司的洪宁姿成为表现最杰出的怡和亲善大使,并获颁发主席大奖。This year, the Chairman's Award for the most outstanding performance by an ambassador was won by Fanny Hung of Hongkong Land.

后来,那个我认识的spa经理告诉我每当章子怡在北京的时候,章子怡和汪小菲就总在一起。Later, the spa manager, of who I am acquainted, told me that Zhang and Wang always got together whenever Zhang was in Beijing.