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这个概念总是被用来与风土病比较。This idea is most useful when contrasted with the term endemic.

特别是从酒的风味中,常传递着原产土地的风土特色。Especially from the wine flavor, often passing the origin of the endemic land features.

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风土以外,葡萄品种也会影响梅铎里葡萄酒的风格。In addition to the Terroir, grape varieties used also affect the styles of wines in Medoc.

让一几年前去过英国的学生边展示所拍照片边进行当地一些风土习俗的介绍。A few years has passed and things must be changed. Now let's look at the differences about England in the text.

秦始皇建立的国家,拥有空前广阔的领土,各地风土文化有着极大差异。This country owns unprecedentedly wide territories, with great differences in local customs and culture from area to area.

酒体浑厚有力,成熟水果特质异常突出,单宁精致优雅,酒质丰饶,层次丰富,充分体现了非凡的风土特色。There is an amazing quality of ripe fruit, fine and elegant tannins and a rich and full structure which reflects its terroir.

现存者虽为数不多,但因保存了稀见地理风土资料、宗教资料和航海资料而具有极高的史料价值。They are not very great in number, but have high values because of their rich information on geography, religion and navigation.

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很多酿造厂利用特殊的种植和酿造方法去保持或强调他们特殊风土条件,以形成特有的香气和口感。Many wineries use growing and production methods that preserve or accentuate the aroma and taste influences of their unique terroir.

而罗宾汉酒庄恰恰在拥有优雅、复杂风土特征的卢瑟福德地区的心脏。The Rubicon Estate is located on the heart of the Rutherford Bench, where the terroir is considered to be elegant and sophisticated.

日本文化如同一棵树,它的根深扎于日本国的风土上。Japanese culture as a tree, its roots deep plunge in Japan on weekday. After thousands of years of absorption, improve and consolidate.

例如会导致栗树枯萎的真菌已经杀死了数千株树木,并在1900年代初改变了美国的风土景观。The fungus that causes chestnut blight, for example, decimated thousands of trees and changed the American landscape in the early 1900s.

风土适应性强,抗病性极强,较抗寒,喜肥水,宜篱架栽培,中短梢修剪。Local adaptability, disease resistance, cold resistance, like a strong water, appropriate hedge frame the cultivation, shoots short clip.

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这款气势恢宏的至臻红葡萄酒极好的体现了葡萄收获当年的自然风土条件,传达出精致的深度和悠长浓郁的余味。This wine reflects the extended growing conditions of the vintage, displaying a precocious depth of flavor as well as a long, intense finish.

景观天花板由回忆的涟漪所扭曲,产生了一种显然的特征,抽象地描绘了法国风土的宽度。Contorted by reminiscent ripples, the «landscape ceiling» casts a striking feature that abstractly depicts the widebreadth of France's terroirs.

其结果可应用于虚拟旅行、城市导引、历史研究、古迹保护、风土和生活方式记录以及灾害应急控制等。The applications of the route panorama are applied to city navigation, scene archiving, virtual tour, modeling and simulation, georeferencing, etc.

而日本人之能展现热带风土驯化的成效,主要是凭藉热带医学、热带卫生措施,以及日本人种混合论。The efficiency of Japanese tropical acclimatization mainly depended on tropical medicine, measurements of tropical hygiene, and discourses of mixed race.

第三,法律没有产生任何实质性的改革,家庭贷款领域,特别是问题成为风土病,在最近的泡沫。Third, the legislation did not produce any substantive reforms in the home-lending area, particularly the problems which became endemic in the recent bubble.

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通过对河北谚语,特别是农谚、风土习俗谚和修养谚的考察来了解历史悠久的燕赵文化。From Hebei s proverbs, especially agricultural proverbs customary proverbs and moral proverbs, we can understand the culture of Yanzhao which has a long history.

瓜地马拉巴纳巴荷镇一位居民,走过去年史坦台风土石流摧毁的上百栋住宅之一。A villager passes one of hundreds of homes destroyed by last year's deadly mudslide caused by Hurricane Stan in the small town of Panabaj, Guatemala, May 15, 2006.

碧霞谷系列是VIA葡萄酒集团的标志品牌,它的葡萄酒凝聚了葡萄产区的最佳风土条件。The Chilcas range is the icon brand of VIA Wine Group, which produce wines that represent the very best expression of terroir from the land that produces the grapes.