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所有的山盟海誓。All the solemn pledges of love.

一切山盟海誓都不能完全相信。Any oath Can NOT be totally trusted.

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赢得了多少情侣的山盟海誓。And obtained numerous pledge of lovers.

有什么想对我说的,尽管留下甜言蜜语,山盟海誓除外。Welcome! Pls leave any words you want to say.

汤姆和玛丽在圣坛前,山盟海誓永结良缘。Tom and Mary exchanged their vows before the altar.

在我的字典里如今也没有山盟海誓和一辈子。In my dictionary the now also has no pledge of eternal love with the lifetime.

山盟海誓是一种经常让高山和海洋领受尴尬的重量级承诺。Vows is a frequent embarrassment to the mountains and the ocean received heavyweight commitment.

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哦,我明白了,这就是人们所说的最好的山盟海誓的地方。Oh, I see, it is the so-called best place for lovers’ vow, love as deep as river, as high as mountain.

与其给我山盟海誓,不如陪我走过每一个春夏秋冬。Rather than give me a pledge of eternal love, to accompany me through each spring, summer, autumn and winter.

由于被选对象众多,永远可能遇到“更好的”,因此,山盟海誓的根基遭到侵蚀。The abundance of alternatives and the perpetual possibility of getting something "better" undermine commitment.

山盟海誓只是一种经常让高山和海洋领受尴尬的重量级承诺。Pledge of eternal love is just a often makes high mountains and sea received embarrassing heavyweight commitment.

半小时后,他告辞时,已是一个订过婚的人了,他的心不再是他自己的,而是属于那个与他订过山盟海誓的女子了。In half an hour he left the house an engaged man, whose soul was not his own, but the woman's to whom he had bound himself.

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蝴蝶换上一件雪白的新娘服,新婚丈夫轻轻带她移步来到阳台上,两人山盟海誓,情语绵绵。Butterfly changes into a white gown, and her new husband gently leads her onto the terrace as vows of love flow from their lips.

跟他说你不想失去他,但你需要一个只是偶尔突然出现、会沉醉在山盟海誓和情感爱河里的男人。Say you don't want to lose him but that you wanted a man who just popped in occasionally and who fainted at the words commitment and feelings.

爱与喜欢有时候只是一念之差,曾经的山盟海誓、甜言蜜语、羞涩清纯可能只是喜欢的产物。Love with just like the sometimes on reading it bad, ever of pledge of eternal love, honeyed words, awkward and shy and pure possibility just like of outcome.

我们总能碰到一些人山盟海誓地说“X品牌”是你能买到的最好的狗粮――并且持续喂了15年,全然不顾现在的提高。We've all met people who swear "brand x" is the best you can get � and have been feeding it for the last 15 years, completely unaware of advances that have been made.

这次婚礼结合了中国和西方婚俗,犹具特色的是狗狗走了红地毯,还在结婚证上留下了爪印以示山盟海誓的承诺。The ceremony, which combined Chinese and Western traditions, featured dogs walking down a red carpet and taking an oath of marriage by stamping paw prints on a wedding certificate.