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后勤是军事科学的一个分支。Logistics is a branch of military science.

他还在西弗吉尼亚大学教军事科学的课程。He also taught military science at West Virginia University.

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辅修哲学和军事科学。His minor subjects included philosophy and military science.

他还在西弗吉尼亚大学教军事科学的课程。He has also taught military science at West Virginia University.

为造就具有现代军事科学知识的干部,伯承呕心沥血。He worked indefatigably to train cadres in modern military science.

这些大学将教授农业、工程以及军事科学。These colleges would teach agriculture, engineering and military science.

但军事科学的范围很广,从海洋到陆地,从地下到外层空间无所不有。But military science ranges from sea to land and from underground to outer ace.

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在那里他很用功,阅读了很多有关军事历史和军事科学的书。There he worked hard and read a lot about military history and military science.

但军事科学的范围很广,从海洋到陆地,从地下到外层空间无所不有。But military science ranges from sea to land and from underground to outer space.

现代军事科学的趋势是注重防卫系统。Current directions in military science place great importance on defense networks.

军事医学是军事科学与医学科学相互作用的结果。Military medicine results from the interaction between military science and medical science.

隐身技术是当代军事科学的重要成就之一。The stealth technology is one of the most important achievements in modern military science.

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它对军事科学、工业发展和工程应用都具有十分重要的意义。It has a great effect on the military science, industrial development and engineering application and so on.

这一矛盾是由于军事科学认为,军队的力量和军队的数量是相一致的。Military science assumes that the relative strength of forces is identical with their numerical proportions.

当未来的学者们回顾21世纪初期他们将如何评论现在的军事艺术和军事科学?When future scholars look back on the early years of the 21st century how will they characterize military art and science?

你能想象吗?从此以后,我们平时野餐带去的食物和学校的盒饭将会大变样噢!因为最近美国的军事科学又取得了一项成果,发明了“防水三明治”。Picnics and packed school lunches may never be the same again, thanks to the latest breakthrough by military science -- the non-soggy sandwich.

科学技术的飞速发展,极大地改变了现代战场的面貌,引起了军事科学深刻的革命。Rapid development of modern science and technology which is triggered a profound revolution of military science has greatly changed battlefield.

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虚阴极振荡器的研究吸引了各国科学家,特别是军事科学技术科学家的广泛重视。The research of VCO attracts extensive attention of scientists home and abroad, especially scientists working in the military science-technology field.

自2009年以来,富尔福德阐明美国政府,使用一项军事科学计划,总部在阿拉斯加,被称为高频活跃极光研究计划。Since 2009, Fulford has stated that the US government, using a secret military program with headquarters in Alaska, known as the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.

后来,中国留学生强迫美方释放了钱学森,冲破了重重困难而回国的钱学森,回头就扎进了我国军事科学的研究当中。Later, Chinese students studying in the United States to force the release of Qian, broke through the difficulties and return Qian, go back and jump into our military science studies.