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LUNX为近年新发现的人类肺组织特异性基因。LUNX is a lung-specific gene found recently.

近年在四川采集的报春花。Primulas collected from Szechuan in recent expeditions.

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再次,以此为基点反思近年新都市文学并作一评价。Third, it will comment the city novels in recent years.

近年它随著纳米技术的需要而兴起并发展。The nanomechanics rose from the need of nano-technology.

在近年的案例里,WTO趋向采取“肯定说”。WTO has trended to apply the positive claim hi recent cases.

一条积云带在人平易近年夜会堂上空倘佯。A band of cumulus lingered over the Great Hall of the People.

阿布达比近年积极推广观光,与杜拜竞争意味十足。Abu Dhabi is actively promoting tourism, competing with Dubai.

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近年,北京的“狮舞”,综合各种狮舞的优长,形成新的表演风格。Beijing combines the advantages of others to become a new style.

中英在国际事务中近年也是“形影不离”。China and the UK have also been working closely on a global scale.

近年,港进联在香港政坛的影响力越来越小。The HKPA's influence in Hong Kong politics has waned over the years.

但是这个赛季是巴伦西亚近年中最糟糕的。This season, however, has been the worst for Valencia in many years.

近年西方发生两次较大的股市风暴。Two stock market turbulences have occurred in the west in recent years.

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近年奉行实验式旅游,将生命活得更精彩。Experimental travel practicer, through this to live the life to its full.

泰国近年的政治,说得婉转些,是风云变幻。THAILAND’S recent political history has been, to put it mildly, volatile.

而近年则著重于有关统计在牙医学应用之研究。Biostatistics focuses on the application of statistics to biomedical data.

角膜屈光手术是近年发展起来的治疗屈光不正的重要技术。Corneal Refractive Surgery has evolved dramatically in the past few years.

并依此对近年中风病防治情况进行了评述。In addition, he made a review of prevention and treatment of this disease.

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血浆中凝血酶是近年开发的一种新型止血剂。Thrombin in blood is a new haemostatic which is exploited in recent years.

近年的情况表明,仅有选举并不能确保民主治国。Recent years have shown that elections alone do not assure democratic rule.

软膜天花是一种近年被广泛使用的室内装饰材料。Soft film smallpox is a kind of widely used in indoor decoration materials.