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但是你是舞池女王。But you are the queen of the dancefloor.

您宁愿坐得靠近舞池吗?Woud you rather sit near the dance floor?

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少年为他简单描述了舞池的布局。The younger described simply the position.

这些年轻人在舞池里不停地旋转。The young people gyrated on the dance floor.

复杂表达法我们下舞池跳舞吧。Complex expressions 1. Let's get down and boogy!

妻子拉着他去舞池。His wife is trying to pull him to the dancefloor.

跳舞者跳曳步、滑步,并在人们拍手时在舞池上跑动。The dancers shuffle, glide, or run while people clap.

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玛丹娜鼓励大家在舞池上摆动姿势。Madonna encouraged everyone to vogue on the dance floor.

几乎可以说舞池里的她就像是在自己家。You can almost tell she feels at home on the dance-floor.

光用一些奇妙的舞蹈动作舞池。Light up the dance floor with some fantastic dancing moves.

有人说,这如同在舞池边等待别人的邀请。Some call it waiting around for someone to ask you to dance.

两伙青年在渡轮的舞池里打起来了。Two gangs of youths brawled on the dance floor of the ferry.

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几百人在舞厅的舞池里旋转。Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor.

我们一起走下舞池,笨拙地搂着对方。We walked out on the dance floor and held each other awkwardly.

进入舞池并且秀出你令人惊叹的舞技。Get on the dance floor and show off your jaw-dropping dance moves.

在舞池里用花哨的舞技征服女人,这对小伙子们来说可是一个不容易搞定的挑战。Dazzling a woman on the dance floor is a tricky challenge for a chap.

我毫无把握,当我牵着你的手带你步入舞池。I feel so unsure, As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor.

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他将自己与两个女孩剪下的一块地毯做为自己的舞池。He owned the dance floor as he and two girls proceeded to cut up a rug.

舞池里会有演员出场,乐队也将奏起俄国和美国的迪斯科音乐。The dance floor would fill and the band would play Russian and American disco.

想像一下在舞池中央那样丢人现眼的举止。Imagine what it was like to make such a scene in the middle of the dance floor.