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环境卫生搞不好,伤寒就会乘虚而入。Typhoid fever sneaks in when sanitation fails.

不要让自己太疲惫,否则健康问题会乘虚而入的。Don't exhaust yourself or minor health problems will set in.

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小妞们刚开始大学第一年的生活,学长们就乘虚而入。Seniors swoop in as young chicks enter their first year in college.

随着时间的流逝,这些代码可能变得难以管理,错误很快就会乘虚而入。Over time, this code may become unmanageable and soon bugs creep in.

这又会给极端势力乘虚而入带来便利。This in turn will take advantage of the extreme forces of convenience.

特别是当熟悉的传统建立之后,组织僵化就有可能乘虚而入。Especially where familiar conventions become well established, 'sclerosis' can set in.

他一时放松了警惕,幻想便象老鼠或者妖精似的乘虚而入。For one moment he had relaxed and fancies had burrowed through like mice or hobgoblins.

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在这困难关头,亚雷乘虚而入,用金钱诱逼苔丝和他同居。In this difficult moment, Ya-lei take advantage of money Youbi Tess and his cohabitation.

他还不时四出查探及试探人,希望能乘虚而入,找到掌权控制的机会。But even more he probing and testing trying to find a place where he can enter and seek to take control.

念佛打坐入定时,也要防备小蚊子乘虚而入,叮咬得修行人遍体又痒又痛呀。Just like we must beware of intruding mosquitoes when doing meditation or otherwise we will end up being badly bitten.

我认为人类基本的情感是需要被爱并去爱他人,而当这种情感消失的时候,孤独才会乘虚而入。I think the basic human feeling is wanting to be loved and accepted, when that is not present then loneliness is the down side.

数个世纪缩短成一个易逝的短暂时刻,历史乱了脚步,在疏忽时被乘虚而入,如旧蛇皮般脱落。Centuries telescoped into one evanescent moment. History was wrong footed, caught off guard. Sloughed off like an old snakeskin.

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避孕药会蒙蔽女性识别出对方的MHC和自己并不匹配的能力,这时坏爱情会乘虚而入。Birth-control pills that mask a woman's ability to detect her mate's incompatible MHC are one way bad love can slip past our perimeters.

两周前,忠于卡扎菲的部队,极有可能就是这样乘虚而入,抓住了至少九名记者。Almost certainly, this is how loyalist soldiers have managed to swoop in and arrest at least nine foreign journalists in the past two weeks.

一旦宝宝抵抗力下降,肺炎球菌就有可能会乘虚而入,引发各种严重的疾病。Once the baby resistivity drops, the pneumococcus will have the possibility to seize the opportunity to sneak, causes each kind of serious disease.

等你心爱的酒店破产倒闭,我会乘虚而入,以公平的市场价格入手。我想你一定给我留下了不少好东西。And when your beloved hotel is bankrupt and empty, I'll swoop in and give you fair-market price. I'm sure there's some copper pipes I could salvage.

机体已经没有了免疫能力,所以一旦艾滋病病毒侵入,人体的这种良好防御系统便会受到破坏,病原体及微生物就会乘虚而入。The body has no immunity, so as soon as invasive HIV, the human body a good defense system would be destroyed, and microbial pathogens will take advantage of.

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向东,拜占庭帝分裂而孱弱,向西,伊比利亚半岛的混乱提供了很好的乘虚而入的机会。To the east, the Byzantine Empire is fractured and relatively vulnerable, and there's ample opportunity to take advantage of the chaos on the Iberian peninsula to the west.

他同时还警告,如果此计划推迟可能造成印度的乘虚而入,从而造成该地区的“主要冲突”,中印两国就该地区有争议的边界问题时有冲突爆发。He warned that a delay would allow India to tap these resources and prompt "major conflict" in a region where the two nations have sporadically clashed over disputed territory.

在这种各政治派别以及各部落之间勾心斗角的博弈的背景下,政府官员和部落头领利用他们手中的权力来补充他们微薄的收入,这时利益集团乘虚而入。In this landscape of competing political and tribal authorities, where officials leverage their individual authority to supplement their meager incomes, interest groups fill the voids.