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私营部门的CS5在层的图像文件。PSD CS5 image file in layers.

而三得利是一家私营的,家族经营的公司。Suntory is a private, family-run firm.

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纺织业恢复为私营。The textile industry was denationalized.

然而这其中,只有82家是私营企业。But of these, just 82 are privately owned.

允许私营企业主入党不会改变党的性质。It can not change the nature of the Party.

私营部门仅是必要的。没有HTML或另一种编码。PSD ONLY is needed. No HTML or other Coding.

私营部门的就业增长大幅减缓。Private-sector job growth slowed significantly.

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联合国对私营军事嗤之以鼻,我们绝不容忍“唯利是图”的做法。We don’t condone “mercenaries, ” sniffs the UN.

古巴目前共有143000张私营执照。Cuba currently has 143,000 licensed self-employed.

瓦努阿图大力促进私营经济的增长。Vanuatu strongly promotes private sector led growth.

公司可以选择上市或私营公司模式Companies can choose whether to be public or private.

“我已经决定让我的士兵私营,”他写道。"I've decided to keep my privates private, " he writes.

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你认为经营私营骨灰龛场是犯法吗?Do you think it is illegal to run a private columbarium?

它将私营部门雇员和农民排除在外。It excluded employees in the private sector and farmers.

但是每一次总是私营部门比政府做得更过分。But the private sector outdoes the government every time.

然而对大多私营企业,延迟是冗长的。But for most private firms, the delay can be interminable.

凭借私营经济,印度则将笑看明朝。But India's private economy will give it the edge tomorrow.

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金德泰陶瓷是一家规模较大的私营独资企业。Jindetai Chinaware is a large-scale private-owned enterprise.

我们的私营部门又增加了22万2000个工作。Our economy added another 222,000 jobs in the private sector.

银行业可以向私营部门借贷支撑信贷扩张所需的额外资金。Of course, gun-shy banks are only part of the lending problem.