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后者虽然笑容可掬,神色却有些茫然。The latter smiled blandly, but somewhat blankly.

当遇上黄山游人,一个个皆笑容可掬,神态憨然。Huangshan Where visitors are a smiling, look foolish Ran.

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他和老板说话时总是笑容可掬,低声细语。When he was speaking to his boss, he kept smiling and said it with flowers.

“你真这样想吗?”彭波契克先生依然笑容可掬地说道,“再来一杯怎么样?”D'ye think so?' said Mr Pumblechook, with his former laugh. 'Have another glass! '

张奶奶非常和蔼可亲。我们遇见她时,她总是笑容可掬。Grandma Zhang is very amiable. When we meet her, she is always radiant with smiles.

但柏利总是笑容可掬,妙语如珠,让你精神一振。But you always get a smile and some witty repartee from him that provides an uplift.

笑容可掬的一个人看上去是虚假的,而这些很快会被面试官发现。A smiley-face person exudes phoniness, whichwill quickly be picked up by the interviewer.

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门开了,一家子笑容可掬的出现在门口,和我们交谈起来。And just like that doors opened and folks with wide smiles came out on the porch to talk.

笑容可掬的一个人散发出的是虚假,这很快会被面试官发现…A smiley -face person exudes phoniness , which will quickly be picked up by the interviewer.

大肚能容,断却许多烦恼障,笑容可掬,结成无量欢喜缘。Tatu accommodate, let the broken but many troubles disabled, smiles, and a boundless joy rim.

今年五月,塞西莉亚笑容可掬地与孩子们一同出现在萨科奇的总统就职仪式上。Cecilia Sarkozy was a smiling figure at her husband's inauguration in May as she stood with the children.

奎尔普本人两只手插在口袋里,正在笑容可掬地欣赏他所造成的骚动。Quilp himself, with his hands in his pockets, smiled in an exquisite enjoyment of the commotion he occasioned.

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哪怕是三星级的酒店,也拥有美丽干净的沙滩,笑容可掬的服务生及各种花样繁多的水上运动。Even if it is a three-star hotel, also have beauty clean beach, smiling waitress and various variety of water sports.

赵耀祖拿着风筝笑容可掬地站在丹房门口把风筝还给了她们,赵耀祖又看上了云姐。Zhao Yaozu holding kite smiling stood in Dan door returned the kite to them, Zhao Yaozu attracts cloud elder sister again.

他是个态度强硬的纽约人,而美国,却是一个倾向选则那些笑容可掬型的人,如罗纳德•里根及比尔。克林顿的国家。He is an abrasive New Yorker in a country that tends to elect hail-fellow-well-met types like Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

笑容可掬的人看上去是虚假的,而很快会被面试官。相反,做有思想、令人愉快的人。A smiley-face person exudes phoniness, which will quickly be picked up by the interviewer. Instead be thoughtful and pleasant.

笑容可掬的一个人看上去是虚假的,而这些很快会被面试官发现。相反,做一个有思想、令人愉快的人。A smiley-face person exudes phoniness, which will quickly be picked up by the interviewer. Instead be thoughtful and pleasant.

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“这是一个好消息,”他笑容可掬地说道,“我要感谢参议院所有推进了该议程的成员。”"That is good news, " he said, smiling broadly. "I want to thank all the members of the Senate who moved the process forward."

潜水团队钻透俄罗斯西北部白海冻结的海面,受到笑容可掬的白鲸欢迎。When dive teams drill through the frozen surface of the White Sea off the north-west coast of Russia, they are greeted by grinning belugas.

我们受到的触动,正如看见一个笑容可掬的天使在缓缓舒展开翅膀,微笑永远浮现在脸庞。One experienced something of the emotion which one would feel on beholding a smiling angel slowly unfold his wings, without ceasing to smile.