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我们学习了条件语句。We have conditionals.

一条语句是个动作。A statement is an action.

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这是一条重要的语句。It is an import statement.

而我将会转到这个except语句。And I'll go to the except clause.

这就是一条语句。This would be called a statement.

只能偶尔咕噜一些语句。only a few grunts here and there.

但这是另外一条语句。But it's just a different statement.

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语句中使用了一个布尔表达式。In it, we have a boolean expression.

缩排大括号和语句。Indenting the braces and statements.

多用缩进来提高语句的可读性。Indents are used to enhance readability.

只有这样才可以执行这条语句。Only then can you execute this statement.

读图,根据你的实际情况完成语句。Read and complete the sentences about you.

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比方说for和while循环语句。These are things like FOR and WHILE loops.

其他的语句可能是“play,sound,meowAnd another one might be "play sound meow."

其他的语句可能是“play,sound,meow,“And another one might be "play sound meow."

我们应该消除语言中的粗俗语句。We should purify the language of barbarisms.

do语句应如以下格式A do statement should have the following form

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我们现在看到的就是,我执行了这条打印语句两次。So what we've seen is I've run it twice here.

这正是这三条语句的作用。This is exactly what the three statements do.

我们可以重新编写整个语句来摆脱这种状况?Can we rephrase the sentence to get rid of it?