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一种模拟猴类动作举止的拳术。An analog behavior of boxing action monkeys.

中国拳术,剑术,各种器械。Chinese boxing, Fencing, A variety of instruments.

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菲律宾的棍棒术战士用的是牵引而非拳术。The stick fighters of the Philippines, pulling no punches.

太乙五行拳为道家崂山派拳术,由五行拳和五形拳两部分组成。Taiyi Five-form Boxing of Taoism is the boxing technique of Mt.

曾云以自创的“行云拳”夺得男子C组其他拳术冠军。Zeng Yun Winning the Champion of Men's Group C Freestyle Boxing.

它是一种集内家拳法和近打于一身的拳术。It is a set of boxing within the home and nearly a dozen in the boxing.

它是一种集内家拳法和近打于一身的拳术。It is a set of boxing and within the family to play in one of boxing past.

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这项运动实际上是中国拳术或中国功夫的一种软性的或者“内在的”形式。The discipline is actually a soft or internal form of Chinese boxing or Kungfu.

中国武术大致分为拳术和器械术。Chinese martial arts are generally divided into free-hand boxing and armed boxing.

武术中的拳术和剑术都有自己的个性和共性。The boxing and swordsmanship also have something in common and some thing different.

2004年第三届传统武术比赛三节棍一等奖、拳术一等奖。Traditional Wushu Competition in 2004 three-section cudgel third prize, boxing award.

武术中无论哪种拳术都强调内在的意念气息与外部形体动作的统一。All kinds of boxing in Wushu emphasize the integration of inner breath and outer action.

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你提到了功夫,或拳术,它们至少有200种门派。Well, you mentioned Kungfu, or boxing just now, I would say there are about 200 schools.

南拳拳种之一。俗称洪拳,系清代民间秘密结社洪门假托少林所传习的一种拳术。One of the southern style boxing. Commonly known as Hung boxing, appeared in Qing dynasty.

手串子是类似于对练的一种两人拳术对打练习。Interlinked hand skills is similar to the exercise between two persons fighting hand to hand.

少林小洪拳是中国少林派武术中最基本的拳术。Shaolin Small-form Hong Quan is one of the most basic boxing in Chinese Shaolin martial arts.

拳术的一种,以模仿蛇的运动形象,融进技击为主要特点。A boxing, to mimic the movement of the snake image, melting into the attack and the main features.

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2003年成都市第一届传统武术比赛获传统拳术一等奖、刀术一等奖。In 2003, the Chengdu Wushu Competition first prize by the traditional martial arts, sword first prize.

在练习大刀时,必须有扎实的拳术基础,尤其对腰腿劲及臂力的要求更为重要。Long broadsword, particularly to the request of waist and leg strength and arm dint is more important.

咏春拳是一种攻击性极强的拳术,被多国特警定为必学的防暴技能。Wing Chun is a highly aggressive boxing, is as multi-national special police anti-riot will learn the skills.