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工人们割橡胶树皮采胶液。The workers tapped the rubber trees.

笑翠鸟坐在一棵老橡胶树上。Koo- ka- bur- ra sits in the old gum tree.

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人人都知道一个小小的蚂蚁是不能挪动橡胶树的。Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber-tree plant.

他们还种植橡胶树和蝎尾焦。They also planted rubber trees, and heliconium flowers.

金钱树和橡胶树也是永恒的选择。Money plants and rubber plants are other all-time favorites.

工业用,主要来自巴西,天然胶乳橡胶树。Industrial use, mainly from Brazil, natural rubber latex Hevea.

以氯化橡胶树脂为基料而配制的面漆,属物理干燥型。It's a finishing coat based on Chlorinated Rubber resin. Physically drying.

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究竟什么力量能使体弱多病的小蚂蚁搬动那颗大橡胶树呢?Just what makes that little old ant think he'll move that rubber-tree plant?

在澳大利亚,负鼠被追赶的时候一般都会躲在橡胶树上。In Austrlia, the possum commonly hides up a gum tree when it is being chased.

提出了改进橡胶树倍性育种的途径与研究方向。Some helpful opinions on polyploid breeding of Hevea brasiliensis were proposed.

有些乳胶天然存在于植物的细胞中,如糖胶树胶树和橡胶树。Some latexes occur naturally in the cells of plants such as chicle and rubber trees.

综述了国内外橡胶树低割面阴刀割胶技术的研究结果。It is summarize the study on inclined upward tapping of the rubber tree in the world.

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橡胶树炭疽病一般在橡胶树嫩叶期、高湿度的情况下发生危害。Sacc starts to endanger the rubber trees in young leaf period and high-moisture situation.

今天的加影已经看不见橡胶树了,它们和我婆婆都一起逝去了。Today, rubber plantation had disappeared from Kajang landscape, along with my grandmother.

由改性氯化橡胶树脂配制而成的。属物理干燥型。无铅和铬。It's based on modified chlorinated rubber resin. Physically drying, lead and chromate free.

这些因素是低聚糖素提高橡胶树对白粉病抗病性的重要作用机制。It is the important mechanism of OS to improve the rubber tree resistance to powdery mildew.

12年后,在锡兰和马来亚的种植园里又种了30多万棵橡胶树。Twelve years later more than 300, 000 ha of rubber grew in plantations in Ceylon and Malaya.

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橡胶树乳管中与黄色体膜结合的不可溶性焦磷酸酶,是调控橡胶生物合成的一个必不可少的酶。The PPase on the lutoids of rubber tree is a crucial enzyme in regulating rubber biosynthesis.

商业橡胶来自橡皮树和三叶橡胶树。Commercial rubber comes from the latex of the rubber plants Ficus elastica and Hevea brasiliensis.

橡胶树和桉树,拥有更轻盈的木材质地和周期性剥落的树皮。Gum Trees and Eucalyptus trees have a lighter form of wood and a skin that exfoliates recurrently.