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她穿上男服女扮男装。She disguised herself in man's clothes.

中国著名西装品牌,柒牌男装。The famous brand of men's suit in China.

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柒牌男装,让女人心动的男人。Qi card, so that women echocardiography men.

她戴上假胡子女扮男装。She disguised herself as a man by a false beard.

他称,这是一位女扮男装的教皇。This pope he claimed was a woman disguised as a man.

再比如耐穿性,耐穿的男装和女装也一直大受欢迎。Durable men's and women's clothing are always popular.

事实上,这位年轻的法官就是女扮男装的波西亚。Th is young judge was really Port ia dressed as a man.

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80年代初,报喜鸟开始生产男装。Baoxiniao started making men's suits in the early 1980's.

他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men's Store.

当然,女人女扮男装,然后参军。Of course, women did disguise themselves and enlist as men.

利郎是国内领先的男装品牌公司之一。China Lilang is one of the leading menswear brands in China.

她的丈夫最近在男装部花了几百镑钱买衣服。Her husband recently spent several hundred pounds on menswear here.

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1995年,大杨推出了自有旗舰品牌“创世”男装。In 1995, Dayang launched its own flagship brand of Trands menswear.

自从起用了新网站,我们的男装收入已经翻了三番。Our revenue for menswear has tripled since we launched the new site.

木兰是一位女扮男装的英雄,中国的圣女贞德。Mulan is the Middle Kingdom's gender-bending heroine, its Joan of Arc.

第三节通过对孟丽君人物形象的分析,认为孟丽君的女扮男装其实是一种“角色置换”。Meng Lijun, the leading role in this story, is analyzed in the third part.

了解更多品牌男装资讯请关注HOITO!To learn more about brand men's information, please pay attention to HOITO!

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薇奥拉女扮男装,化名西萨里奥做了公爵的少年侍人。Weiaola to dress like a man, alias places where do the duke's young people.

而男装则以粗犷的线条,深沉的色彩为主,多用胡桃木等材料制作。The men Zeyi rough lines, deep color-based, multi-walnut and other materials.

我们要采购服装,服饰,男装,女装,儿童服装。We want to buy Garments, Apparel, Mens , Ladies, Childrens Clothing Menswear.