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钢琴被推到乐池里。The piano was pushed into the orchestra pit.

比尔把钢琴推到乐池里。Bill pushed the piano into the orchestra pit.

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乔把钢琴用力推到乐池中。Joe pushed forcefully the piano into the orchestra pit.

乐师们各自在乐池就座。The musicians took their respective places at the orchestra pit.

演播中心和剧院通常需要升降乐池来满足乐队的演奏要求。Studio center and theater usually need lifting orchestra for request of band playing.

而伴奏则由管弦乐团负责,指挥就担当齐合台上的歌手和藏身于乐池内的乐队这重任。A conductor coordinates both the singers on stage and the musicians in the orchestra pit.

剧场正厅座位剧院正厅中乐池与楼方锯厢下的部位之间的部分。The part of the main floor of a theater between the orchestra pit and the parquet circle.

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在第一和第二舞台之间,有一个楼梯结构横跨于乐池之上。Between the first and second stage the orchestra pit is spanned by a stairway construction.

反正到处跑我已嫌年龄太大,也不适于老呆在冰冷的乐池里。I was getting too old for all the travelling anyway, and the sitting in freezing orchestra pit.

采用了变频器、可编程序控制器等器件,设计了乐池自动升降和自动调速系统。Designed an automatic lifting and speed regulating system by adopting frequency converter and PLC.

保利剧院观众厅共设有1500个座位,其中包括乐池的可活动座椅96个。There are 1500 seats at the auditorium of POLY THEATER, including 96 of portable seats at the orchestra's pit.

该阶梯包括一个可以提供额外的休息的前级升降台,作为乐池或台阶扩展的首选。The stage includes a fore-stage lift that can provide additional seating, an orchestra pit or stage extension as preferred.

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升降舞台主要是用于演出时的背景搭建,升降乐池是演出时乐队人员演奏的场所。The stage which can go up and down is mainly used to set up the background during performance. And an elevating orchestra is the place for the band stuff to perform.

本文以新建剧场所用高技术设备为背景,设计了一个具有升降舞台和升降乐池的舞台自动控制系统。In this paper, the hoist and lower automatic control system for stage and orchestra is designed, which is necessary to high technical equipment for those newly built theaters.