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盘子和工具为节省空间存贮筑巢。Trays and tool nest for space-saving storage.

同时,IBM公司还为该系统提供了500千兆字节的存贮空间。IBM is also providing 500 terabytes of storage.

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从各种存贮空间中恢复源代码Retrieving source code from various repositories

检查车箱与所有其它覆盖的存贮空间。Check trunk and all other covered storage spaces.

用固态记忆存贮器对心电图数据存贮。Storage of the ECG datas in a Solid State memory.

腌制法主要用来存贮鱼类和一些肉食品。Curing is used mainly to preserve fish and certain meats.

是作为目标代码存贮在ROM中的嵌入式软件。Embedded software that is stored as object code within a ROM.

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现地存贮的数据由GPRS传输通道进行远程提取。Field stored data are picked up by GPRS transmission channel.

所有的进程和存贮都由云服务器完成。all processing and storage is maintained by the cloud server.

每个电视唱片可存贮数量惊人的信息。An awesome amount of information is stored in each video disk.

高存贮密度很不利于阵列的散热。High packing density greatly impedes the cooling of the array.

线性表的链式存贮,适合初学者联系使用,基于VS2013。Linear table chain storage, suitable for beginners contact use.

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因此,它既有矢量数据存贮量小的优点,又有网格数据区域图象显示快的长处。In a word, it has advantages of both vector data and raster data.

考虑容量决策的多阶段存贮定价问题。Multi-period model combining pricing, inventory and capacity expansion.

如果不增加译码,就不能使系统的存贮容量有任何扩展。We cannot add any other memory to this system without further decoding.

目前库内存贮了已研究过的700余株的有关信息。The new database contains the information of about 700 rhizobial strains.

几乎所有类型的识别程序都把栈当作基本存贮结构来使用。The stack is the basic mechanism used in almost all types of recognizers.

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但OpenDNS存贮了整个网络,每一个网站都可以更加快速地显示出来。But OpenDNS caches the entire Web. Every Web site appears slightly faster.

该方法具有节省存贮空间、提高效率和运算速度的特点。This method can saves memory rooms, improves efficiency and operation rate.

外围设备的固件预先存贮在主机中。The firmware of the peripheral equipment is pre-stored in the host computer.