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层层迷雾遮蔽了重重峰峦。Fogs hide the mountain peaks.

他们在完美的遮蔽下。They were in perfect defilade.

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知道黑暗仅仅是遮蔽物。Know that darkness is only a veil.

月亮为云彩所遮蔽。The moon was hidden by the clouds.

他遮蔽着眼睛,使其不受阳光照射。He screened his eyes from sunlight.

为我的歇息之处遮蔽黎明白日。Hide day-dawn from my resting-place.

云朵想要遮蔽那轮惊艳的太阳。Clouds want to cover the fabulous sun.

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我认为他在尽力遮蔽一些什么。I think he's trying to hide something.

这间小屋被棕榈树的阴影遮蔽着。The cottage was shadowed by palm trees.

我们注视着月亮遮蔽太阳。We watched as the moon blotted the sun.

月亮被乌云遮蔽了。The moon was covered by the dark clouds.

用臭腐的烟雾遮蔽你的光明?Hiding thy brav'ry in their rotten smoke?

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人人都有,只是我们被无明遮蔽了。Yes, but it is obscured by our ignorance.

它长长的枝杈为他们遮蔽了日晒。Its long branches shade them from the sun.

那飓风眼,有阳光温暖和遮蔽。For there is a shelter, sunlighted and warm

每一个被包围在黑暗中暗淡遮蔽物里。Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness.

不要让乌云遮蔽我们的佛心慧日。Don't block our Buddhist heart in dark cloud.

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我意识到,我的窗没有被云雾遮蔽。I realized there was no fog veiling my window.

钴的萃取被亚硫酸盐离子遮蔽。Extraction of cobalt was masked by sulfite ion.

本文研究了遮蔽脱苦法。The masking method was applied to debitter SPH.