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这是意料中事。No surprise.

我没意料到那个。I had't anticipate that.

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我没意料到那个。I had only the best intentions.

出乎她的意料,特纳微笑起来。To her surprise, Turner smiled.

出乎我的意料,菲比发言了。Phoebe, to my surprise, spoke up.

发生了没有意料到的事情。Something unexpected has turned up.

我们的道德直觉会出乎我们意料。Our moral intuitions can surprise us.

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这种意料中的倾向会把事情说得天花乱坠。The natural tendency is to hype things up.

意料中的礼物,连包装都省了。Expected in the gift, even saved the packages.

但出乎他的意料,他的vo2最好值却减到82了。But to his surprise, his VO2 max decreased, to 82.

我们会在一个意料不到的地方发现一个天才么?Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

继发性不孕或许会对您带来一些意料不到的事情和些许压力。Secondary infertility can be surprising and stressful.

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不出意料,后者捐给慈善机构的钱少一些。Not surprisingly, the latter contributed less to charity.

“在我意料中中国将会错过这个截止日期,”他说。"I fully expected China to miss this deadline, " he said.

写爱心便条,把它放在令人意料不到的地方。Hand write love notes and leave them in unexpected places.

所以,不出意料——你的主食有一些位列其中吗?So, out of curiosity—any of your "diet" staples make the list?

意料不到的灾难在我不知不觉中发生了。The unexpected disaster happened without my being aware of it.

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我讲解技巧和术语时,他相当投入,这远远出乎我的意料。As I explained the techniques and terminology, he soaked it up.

成功的企业家往往来自一些令人意料不到的地方。Successful entrepreneurs are coming from some surprising places.

这样,金饰品价格提升乃是意料中事。This means the sharp price surge in gold products is reasonable.