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好母牛难免产劣犊。The cow cast her calf.

人的一生中难免有浮沉之时。Life has its ups and downs.

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犯错误是难免的。It's hard to avoid mistakes.

犯错误码率是难免的。It is hard to avoid mistakes.

有时人们难免发生争执,对吧?Sometimes people argue, right?

难免紧张出错,多多包涵与指教。Some tension, and got bit wrong.

软件设计难免百密一疏。The software design is the flaw in the plan.

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只不过他们有时难免会听到我喘息!Sometimes they just might hear me gasp as well!

智者在临终时尽管知道黑暗难免Though wise men at their end know dark is right

一感动,就难免包含演戏和做作的成分了。If not, there must be playacting and affectation.

青春岁月,也难免有憧憬和心动。Youth, also hard to avoid has a vision and heartbeat.

追求特殊性,难免要付出平安的代价。Pursuit of specialness is always at the cost of peace.

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在我的工作当中难免有一些服务不周到的地方。In my work has to avoid some service not attentive place.

凡是定长远的计画都难免出偏差。Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.

当年雄才奇士们,也难免有这样的感慨。When the hero Sunkist, also hard to avoid has such feeling.

如果你已功成名就,难免会招来虚假的朋友和真正的敌人。If you are successful, you win false friend and true enemies.

与人交往是很有趣的,不过难免也会紧张发怵。Meeting new people is fun. But it can also induce nervousness.

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做事谨慎很容易,但是难免枯燥,并且是可预知的。Playing it safe is easy. But it's also boring and predictable.

由于良莠不齐的应用程序激增,移动设备上难免遭受恶意攻击。As apps proliferate, so will malware attacks on mobile devices.

但这两种选择难免会出现顾此失彼的权利失衡。However, the two options will likely be in imbalance condition.