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温暖的家是我们休息的港湾和坚固的大后方。A warm home is our bay and solid base.

大后方的人民都希望和平,需要民主。The people in the Great Rear Area desire peace and need democracy.

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抗战期间,四川地区成为全国抗战的中心与大后方。During the Anti-Japanese War, Sichuan district became the center and rear of the war.

在横向和大后方其他省市的工矿业研究相比较,也处于比较落后的水平。Comparing with the other provinces and cities, the hunan's study also is a latter one.

森林作为气候变化谈判“大后方”的时代已经终结,但它的未来尚未明朗。While the era of the hinterland is ending, the future of forest areas is not yet clear.

但由于资金短缺,刘鸿生在大后方创办的企业被国家资本所控制。But the companied are controlled by the state-capital, as Liu Hongsheng is short of fund.

他们甚至可以像现在的无人机驾驶员一样,一直呆在大后方的空调办公室里。They can even stay in air-conditioned offices back in rear areas, like today's drone drivers.

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桂林作为中国西南大后方的中心城市之一,多次遭到日军航空部队的狂轰滥炸。As a center city in the southwest of China, Guilin was bombed many times by Japanese air force.

四川作为抗日的大后方,它的工合运动的发展更起到了极其重要的作用。The development of Gungho movement in Sichuan has made a great contribution to the war against Japan.

云南处于援越抗美和对越自卫反击战的国防一线,同时又是我国地缘国防战略的大后方。Yunnan was situated at the first-line of national defense in the war of helping Vietnam to fight against U.

抗日战争时期,资源委员会在大后方兴办了一系列电厂,极大地满足了战争时期军民对电力的迫切需求。During the Anti-Japanese War, the Resource Committee established a series of power plants in the rear areas.

戈登·布朗将在其周四的新年贺词中呼吁民众做出努力,像二战时期来自大后方的支援。Gordon Brown will evoke the home-front effort during the second world war in his new year address on Thursday.

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这是第一次实现了许多后续,只要我们能保持一切融合在一起的大后方。This first achievement is one of many to follow, so long as we can keep everything together on the home front.

历史应该记住这些为抗战的胜利而在大后方无私奉献的冬学教师们。History ought to remember them who have made great contributions to the victory against Japan in the enemy rear.

抗日战争时期,国民政府对大后方的农业进行了大规模的改良,并取得了显著的成效。On the whole, the agricultural reform in the rear area during the War of Resistance had made great achievements.

“大后方电影”是中国电影史“战时中国电影”时段的主导性维面。The films in the main rear area are the main component part of Chinese film history in the days of anti-Japanese war.

抗战时期大后方的物价随着战事的推进而呈现阶段性上涨的趋势。The Sino-Japanese War time great rear area's price presents the gradual rise along with war's advancement the tendency.

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认为新疆作为抗战大后方,有力地支援了前线抗战,为抗日战争的胜利做出了巨大贡献。The author thinks that as a base, XinJiang supported frontline powerfully and made enormous devotion to the final success.

他们不畏日本飞机的狂轰滥炸,把三万多箱珍贵文物从北京安全转移到了四川——当时的抗日大后方。They braved Japanese air raids and moved over 30, 000 crates of precious cultural relics to the home front of Sichuan Province.

我深知大后方的人士,对于初期的成就过分估计,而忽略了将来的困难。I became accustomed to this tendency of individuals far in the rear to overevaluate early success and to discount future difficulty.