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对人对事少一点苛求吧。And a little less demanding.

神苛求白天操劳,光明却不给?Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?

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复述的时候也不必苛求完美。You don’t have to be perfect when retelling.

不过我很明白识体,不至于会纵骄,也不会苛求。I know better than to be proud and demanding.

他自称的角色是极端苛求的。It's a very tall order that he claims for himself.

我们不应当对青年作家太苛求。We should not judge the young writers too harshly.

别太苛求自己,别人是不会这样对待自己的。Don't take yourself so seriously, no one eles does.

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不要把别人的检查,看成是对代码风格的苛求。Don't look at it as people crucifying your coding style.

所以我从不苛求公司会给我高工资。So I never espect the company to give me a higher salary.

她是不苛求的,并且总是能迅速回应。She was easy and undemanding and always had a quick reply.

但与此同时,中国人的苛求也在其间展现的淋漓尽致。But at the same time the Chinese want their pound of flesh.

史达林对于历史明显的有着尖锐与近乎苛求的观感。Stalin obviously had an acute and particular sense of history.

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天蝎是感性、热情、苛求、嫉妒、顽固的。Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, inflexible.

他还呼吁毕业生不要对自己的未来道路太苛求。He also urged graduates not to lay out a rigid path for themselves.

作为年迈的领导人,冷酷无情制度的苛求使他心力交瘁。The aged leader was exhausted by the exaction of a pitiless system.

但很明显,这个苛求的朋友对忠诚有着不同的想法。But clearly, this demanding friend held a different idea of loyalty.

我并不想苛求别人,但她烹调的手艺也实在不敢恭维。I don't want to be uncharitable, but she's not a terribly good cook.

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美国公众对总统迟到的批语毫不留情,是否对总统太苛求了?Is this sort of relentless criticism of the president's tardiness too tough?

就在这时彼得打了个喷嚏——“苛求!”麦克格瑞革先生立马儿又开追。Presently Peter sneezed-"Kertyschoo! "Mr. McGregor was after him in no time.

我关于史蒂夫·乔布斯的唯一苛求就是,苹果本身是完全垂直的。About my only criticism of Steve Jobs is that Apple itself is quite vertical.