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但该公司并没有承诺支撑所有稀土元素的价格。Yet it didn’t pledge to underpin all rare earth prices.

重稀土元素及Y也属于不活泼元素。The heavy rare earth and Y also belong to immobile elements.

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指出加入细化剂和稀土元素对改善铸锭质量有重要作用。The addition of refiner and RE can improve the quality of ingot.

讨论了稀土元素改善耐热钢热强性的因素。The improvement factors for creep fracture strength were discussed.

本文研究了铝对稀土元素的非光谱干扰。The non-spectral interference effect of Al on REE' was investigated.

稀土元素偏碱性,在幔源岩浆演化过程中为不相容元素。REE as alkalic element is incompatible in the evolution of mantle magma.

他说,日本正在开发废旧电子产品中的稀土回收改进技术,同时在寻找稀土元素的替代品,日本将在两年中找到自己稳定的稀土供给。He says in two years Japan will find its own steady supply of rare earths.

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对铝土矿及其围岩系统取样,进行稀土元素分析。Some samples of bauxites and wall-rocks are collected and measured for REE.

我国稀土元素储量十分丰富,在已探明的稀土储量中,我国仍居第一位。China is rich in lanthanide reserves and still leads the first in the world.

上转换现象是稀土元素激光材料具有的特性。The phenomenon of up-conversion is the peculiar property of rare earth ions.

稀土元素配分模式呈海鸥型。The chondrite-normalized patterns of rare earth elements are in seagull forms.

其稀土元素模式为轻稀土富集的右倾曲线,基本无铕异常。Their REE model is characterized by enrichment in light REE and no Eu anomaly.

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这是海底可利用的稀土元素资源量首次得到确认。It is the first time attainable rare earth elements were confirmed on the seafloor.

能存储兆瓦电量的电池,从非稀土元素中分离出强磁体,变二氧化碳为燃料。Batteries to store megawatts of power. Strong magnets that don't rely on rare earths.

锶、钕同位素数据及稀土元素数据表明,白马尖花岗岩体为壳幔混合型。Nd and Sr isotope and REE data show that the intrusion is of crust-mantle mixing type.

动力部特别瞧重的稀土元素似乎是钕。The rare-earth the Department of Energy seems particularly paranoid about is neodymium.

提示稀土元素钇和镨具有一定的遗传毒性。It suggests that rare-earth elements yttrium and praseodymium have certain genotoxicity.

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为稀土元素在水稻中的代谢研究提供了一种可借鉴的方法与研究手段。A subsidiary method has been developed for studying the metabolism of lanthanides in rice.

贸易商表示,与稀土元素相比,全球对稀有金属的需求不那么受制于中国。In comparison with earths, demand for minor metals is less beholden to China, traders say.

本文简述了华南酸性岩类风化壳稀土元素生物地球化学研究现状。The REE biogeochemistry of the weathering crust of acid rocks in south China was reviewed.