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山的支脉上似乎有它自己的小气候,是很冷的那种。Branch hill seems to have it's own micro-climate and it's a cold one.

如图所示,加州南海岸山脉中的圣塔露西亚支脉延伸入大瑟尔那多岩石的海岸线中。The Santa Lucia Range sprawls down to the rocky coastline in Big Sur, California.

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所谓的洋中脊就是一个主要地貌,其主干与支脉延伸至各大洋。The so-called ocean ridge is a major landforms , and spur its trunk extended to the ocean.

湖湘文化是一种源远流长的地域文化,是中华优秀传统文化的支脉。Hunan culture is a kind of local culture and it is a branch of excellent Chinese traditional culture.

位于即墨,东临黄海,为崂山北部支脉,主峰海拔223米。Is located in Jimo, east of the Yellow Sea, the northern offshoot of Laoshan, peak elevation of 223 meters.

要把握其间富于变化的流程与支脉,就必需建立一种有效的观察手段。To grasp the varied during the process and spur, it was necessary to establish an effective means of observation.

泰斯帕斯的后裔分成两个支脉,一个统治鞍山,另一个统治波斯的其余部分。Teispes' descendants branched off into two lines, one line ruling in Anshan, while the other ruled the rest of Persia.

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位于西湖南岸南屏山支脉的雷峰塔因夕阳西照时塔影横空、金碧辉煌而成为许多游人游览西湖的必选之地。Leifeng tower located on the subhill of Nanping mountain is a must of travel to the Westlake because of its sunset sights.

西方当代文艺思潮是19世纪后期和20世纪西方文学中的重要支脉。Modernism and postmodernism are important branches in western literature from the late of 19th century to the 20th century.

家族的赤贫支脉要比传自偷鸡贼的暴发户家族有价值得多。A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves.

环法自行车赛中,一些做手脚的车手在翻越阿尔卑斯山的支脉时,有时会通过兴奋剂来提升红细胞数量。Tricky cyclists in the Tour de France sometimes cheat by upping their red blood cell count for those tough stretches through the Alps.

他们积攒了很久来建造自家的墓穴,而墓穴是他们家族支脉兴旺发达的标志之一。They had long been saving money to build their own crypt, a sign that their branch of the family had prospered and risen in prominence.

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作为西方马克思主义的重要支脉,法兰克福学派的产生有其特定的历史背景,其理论建树十分庞大,研究风格也比较独特。As one of the most important Western Maxism, Frankfurt has its special historic background and huge theory structure and special research ways.

唱腔是河北梆子的重要标志,它源于山西、陕西的梆子腔,属梆子腔系的一个支脉。The important symbol of Hebei Bangzi is its aria rooting from the Bangzi Tune-pattern in Shanxi and Shaanxi, which is a branch of Bangzi Genre.

一般情况下,家族的每一支脉来的不说几百人,也不下几十人,而按照传统待客之道,需要款待他们含肉的美食。Each branch of the family ordinarily invites dozens, if not hundreds of people, and tradition calls for guests to be fed fine meals that include meat.

而俄国的“纯艺术派”、意大利桑克蒂斯的形式主义批评以及以邓南遮为代表的颓废派则是唯美主义批评的支脉。The Pure Art School of Russia, Criticism of Formism of De Sanctis of Italy and the Decadent represented by D Annunzio are the branch ranges of Aestheticism Criticism.

故事的开始,是非洲大陆板块和欧亚板块的撞击,隆起了泰杰特斯山脉和蔓延在希腊和巴尔干半岛的支脉。The story begins with the clash of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates that pushed up the Taygetus Mountains as well as other chains running from Greece to the Balkans.

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新疆精伊霍铁路所经过的天山支脉科古琴山南坡的地质、地理条件复杂,是新疆雪害发生严重的地区之一,雪崩和风吹雪灾害都很发育。The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang.

南山天然风景区位于北天山支脉喀拉乌成山北麓的山区,分布有呈东西走向的十条大小沟谷。Nanshan Natural Scenic Area is located in the northern Tianshan Mountains of the northern foot of the Karawu Mountains, the distribution of the east-west is the size of the ten gully.

首席研究院克劳迪娅·鲁宾斯坦和队员在阿根廷西北部安第斯中央盆地的安第斯支脉地区的沉淀物样品中发现了五件已经成为化石的物种。Chief researcher Claudia Rubinstein and her team found five fossilised species in sediment samples collected from the Sierras Subandinas in the Central Andean Basin of northwest Argentina.