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我是自学的。I was self-taught.

他是个自学成材的人。He is a self-made man.

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四人一组自学故事。There is a story book.

他是一个自学成材的人。He is a self-educated man.

你可以自学。You can study by yourself.

因为我是自学世界语的。As I learn Esperanto by my-self.

他自学而成为一名飞行员。He taught himself to be a pilot.

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她由妈妈辅导在家自学。She was homeschooled by her mom.

呵呵我说的不好,我是自学的。Oh well I said, I am self-taught.

自学小时将被记录。Self-study hours will be recorded.

他年轻时英语自学成材。He taught himself English when young.

蒂娜昨天生了个男孩。对于我爱自学网。Tina gave birth to a baby boy yesterday.

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我们有阅读写作区和多媒体自学区。We have study area and multi-media area.

最后,气得我们干脆决心自学算了。At last, we decided to study by ourselves.

成功自学是我们的目标。Successful self teaching is our objective.

自学电影剧本创作的书籍。Study books about the craft of screenwriting.

希特勒无非是个自学出身的街头煽动家罢了。Hitler's just a self-educated street agitator.

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补充一句,我基本上是自学的。I may add, too, that I was largely self-taught.

总之,自学基本上都是关于我们自己的。In brief, self-study is all about us basically.

当然是进行自学需要花费的几乎就只有时间而已。The cost of self-education is mostly just time.