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把一切罪过归咎于秦桧这个“大奸臣”。Qin Hui put all the blame attributed to the "big traitor."

我们中国只有奸臣,哪有“奸皇帝”!" We Chinese only a traitor, can there be "cunning Emperor"!

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后来这奸臣成了国王,但是由于他的昏庸,这个国家不久就灭亡了。Later he became the king , but because of his fatuity , the country soon perished.

鞑子朝廷有个大奸臣鳌拜,是给一个小太监杀死的,那是谁杀的?Wasn't there a wicked minister at the Tartar Court called Oboi who was killed by a Little eunuch?

这个侏儒,这个奸臣,这个畸形小魔猴。在这片混乱中只有我一柱擎天。The dwarf, the evil counselor, the twisted little monkey demon. I'm all that stands between them and chaos.

明德上前审问杨秀污蔑严世藩的事,杨秀正直不屈,仍然辱骂严党为奸臣。Mingde to interrogate Yang Xiu slander YanShiFan, Yang Xiu unyielding integrity, still abuse treacherous court official party for yan.

他是一个非常好的值得尊敬的人。但是由于奸臣的嫉妒和迫害而最终失宠于当时的君主。He was a good and respected man, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court.

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此板块传达出人们对奸臣乱国贤者不遇的政治遗恨。This tectonic plate transmits the people the political everlasting regret which does not meet to the disloyal subject country in disorder sage.

奸臣们贪污了很多钱,抽了许多佣金,就移民到鹅国去了。鹅国政府也发了一笔小财。The evil and corrupt courtiers they cheat and get much Taiwanese money then move their homes to America. The government of America gets much money also.

目前,史学界仍普遍坚持严嵩为“奸臣”的传统论点,但同时对一些有关严嵩的传统史料也一直存有争议。At present the historic circle sticks to the traditional view that Yan Song was a treacherous court official, meanwhile there is argument about the historic materials of Yan Song.

张唐英从唐代君臣言行的细节入手,揭发出许多潜伏在历史中恶人恶行,实现他撰写此书时欲图挞伐昏君奸臣的初衷。By detailing the deeds of the emperors and ministers of Tang Dynasty, Zhang Tangying have carried his point for blaming the tyrant and evil by disposing a lot of baddies and villainy from histories.