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他们在谈植物学。They were discussing botany.

植物学论述植物的研究。Botany deals with the study of plants.

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你在破坏我的植物学实验!You' re wrecking my botany experiment!

我不太熟悉植物学方面的名称。I am not very familiar with botanical names.

你对植物学的兴趣达到什么程度?To what degree are you interested in botany?

他主要对植物学和鸟类学感兴趣。His main interests are botany and ornithology.

生物全息律在古植物学中的应用日益广泛。It finds wider and wider application in palaeobotany.

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它的植物学上的名字是百合科百合属植物。The botanical name is lilium in the liliaceae family.

人类植物学根源于植物学,是关于植物的研究。Ethnobotany has its roots in botany, the study of plants.

在植物学领域,这些最早的著作是本草书。The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals.

植物学家用种条培养了许多的花。Botanists have cultivated many flowers with the seed branch.

纪念我国植物学的奠基人钱崇澍教授诞辰一百周年。In memory of the founder of Chinese modern botany Prof. C. S.

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本文还提供了一些有关藤类的民族植物学资料。Some ethnobotanical information on rattan were also provided.

在植物学上△符号表示四季常青植物。The sign of △ in the biology stands for the everygreen plant.

森林学与地理学、植物学和农学有关。Forestry appertains to geography , to botany, and to agriculture.

但他那些植物学的同行们没有马上同意他的观点,他们要求更多的证据。His botanical colleagues were slow to agree, requiring more proof.

相对于作为基础学科的植物学而言,园艺学是一门应用科学。Horticulture is an applied science, as opposed to Botany, a basic science.

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这是可在线查询的有关植物学信息的网上资源。The AVH is an on-line botanical information resource accessible via the web.

植物学上,它们是菟葵属,希腊语指春天的花朵。Botanically, they are members of the genus "Eranthis", Greek for spring flower.

植物的光控发育一直是植物学中一个非常活跃的研究领域。Light-controlled plant development is one of the hottest fields in plant biology.