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它是一门新兴的交叉学科。It is a new subject.

欢迎来到新兴学校。Welcome to Xinxing School.

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气排球运动是一项新兴的体育项目。Gas Volleyball is a new sport.

我来自新兴公司。I am from the Xinxing Company.

Hotez看到了一种新兴模式。Hotez sees an emerging pattern.

新兴市场不全都是坏消息。Yet not all is bad news out there.

移动互联网络的新兴市场Mobile internet in emerging markets

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于是很多人转向新兴的快运。So many people turn to new express.

拼车是一个新兴的事物。Carpooling is a newly emerging thing.

义乌已成为一个新兴的移民城市。Yiwu has become a new immigrant city.

现在,它几乎成为亚洲新兴力量的象征。And it epitomises today's power of Asia.

这是中国新兴版画的繁荣期。This was the heyday of China's new print.

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和其他新兴国家合作。We can work with the other rising powers.

他成了新兴清教徒事业的牺牲品。He's been sacrificed to the Puritan cause.

它在我国也是一项新兴的事业。It is also a new enterprise in our country.

这个新兴的国家需要有现代头脑之统治者。The new nation needs a modern-minded ruler.

多目标ISAR成像是一门新兴的研究领域。Multi-target imaging is a new field in ISAR.

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文学语用学是一门新兴的边缘学科。Literary pragmatics is a new interdiscipline.

临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China.

旅游新兴地,神奇青海湖!Emerging tourism spot, the magic Qinghai Lake!