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我得进行查核。I had to check.

我将查核此事。I will check up on the matter.

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请你再查核一下好吗?Could you check it again, please ?

我要跟机修师傅查核一下。I'll have to check with the mechanic.

让我们查核一下他的计算结果。Let's make a check on his calculation.

查核学生身份证及学生记录。Student's HKID Card and record checked.

这个我回头会跟总公司查核一下。I'll check back with by head office for you.

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一查核施工计画书,并于认可后签名或盖章。Review construction plans, and sign or seal after approval.

数学专家会花几个星期去查核他的数据。Experts in mathematics would spend weeks checking his figures.

对查核属实有拉票行为的人员,要予以严肃处理。Audit is true there are votes on the act, must be dealt with severely.

不才一次员工评述会之前研究一下膏火退还以及学位查核打算。and enroll in a degree program before the next employee review period.

如未收到,必须于4月4日前联络本会,以便查核报名资料。If not, they should contact HKAAA before 4 April to check their entries.

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学生们把书放在图书馆的柜台上,管理员查核后收回。The students put the books on the library desk, and the librarian checked them in.

九最近期经会计师查核签证之财务报告。Most recent financial report audited and certified by a certified public accountant.

你方提供的受益人地址无法确定,请查核是否完整。The beneficiary cannot be located at the address supplied. Please check if it is incomplete.

若需作出改支,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供贵公司查核。If you decide on any changes we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.

特别是官方讨论区,本人有必要借用议员身份方可进入,以便查核。Particular, is the official forum, I have the need to borrow a Member to enter in order to check.

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若需作出改动,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供贵公司查核。If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.

申请人必须提供所有有关证明文件正本及副本供查核。The applicant should provide the original and a photocopy of all documentary evidence for checking.

更始尝试查核体例,培育学生的科学研究与立异能力。The reform experiment inspects the way, raises student's scientific research and innovation ability.