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我们应去哪里踏青?Where shall we go for outing?

踏青又叫春游。Outing also known as spring tour.

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我们去你那里春游踏青好不好?I don't think you can come here before that.

欢迎喜好摄影和踏青旅游的单身朋友一起出游。Welcome you who share the same hobbies to join us!

这是天气阴沉沉的,我们有一个去踏青慈湖。This is heavy overcast weather we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.

新年最后一天,全家出游踏青,以避邪恶。The last day of New Year, the whole family Ta-Qing to avoid evil.

今天这一个是上个月陪我的家人去郊外踏青的一些照片所做的MV,请多指教。Today's MV is that I went to Hsinchu LingYin Temple with my family.

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春暖花开日子,年轻的心在欢呼雀跃,让我们踏青去!Warmth of spring days, the young heart rejoice, let's outing to go!

我们拿着一个大框,在这充满绿草与蔬菜的田埂里踏青。We took a big box in the grass, with vegetables, the field-edge outing.

到郊外去踏青,重叠了你的足迹。My footsteps overlap yours when we go for a walk in the country in spring.

在这个季节里,有很多人都喜欢出去踏青,但也很容易感冒。In this season, a lot of people like go outing, but also easy to catch a cold.

城乡人民还登惠山、鸿山、斗山、西高山踏青。Urban and rural people was also posted Huishan, Koyama, Doosan, West mountain outing.

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寒食禁火冷食祭墓,清明取新火踏青出游。Cold food observance ban fire cold food festival tomb sweeping outing travel, take new fire.

今天真美好,好天气,宜人的阳光,我们决定去较远的地方踏青---德国城!Today is a beautiful day, good weather, lovely sunshine! We planed to go to " Fredericksburg".

那天我们湖边踏青的脚印,深深的烙在我们的心里,我知道你一定忘不了。That day we Lake Ta-Qing footprints, branded deep in our hearts, I know that you will never forget.

在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。In the bright sunshine, Hefei Botanic Garden becomes the most beautiful place to admire the flowers.

现在天气不冷也不热,正是出去玩儿的好时候。周末我们去郊外踏青吧。It's neither cold nor hot. The weather outside is lovely. How about going for a walk in the country?

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定期以班级为单位组织一些户外活动,如踏青,登山,参观博物馆等。Organize regularly outdoor activities such as Hiking, mountain climbing, visiting museums and so on.

在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。With the bright sunshine, Hefei Botanic garden becomes the most beautiful place to admire the flowers.

踏青最常见和熟悉而又含义最深的植物可能是柳树了。踏青有插柳的习俗。For the most common and familiar and the deepest meaning of plants may be willow. Outing a plug in willow.