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不过,首先要修练它。But work on it first.

我仅专注自己的心智修练和疗愈自己。I do my own mental work and heal myself.

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无上瑜伽的修练是无穷无尽的。Practice of supreme yoga is the same as this.

您的配偶是否也修练这种内观法?Is your spouse a Vipassana meditator in this tradition?

人生修练是一条漫长的路等我们内在的心去探索。Life is a long road waits for our intrinsic heart to explore.

社会应让人们容易地修练德行,勿横加障碍。Society ought to promote the exercise of virtue, not obstruct it.

女人有了自我修练,就有了被爱的条件和智慧!Self-improvement makes women have condition and wisdom to be loved.

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没有五明伴随的修练是不值得那么辛苦的。Practice without companion of five subjects is unworthy being done so hard.

修练内丹功是道教徒达到成仙得道的唯一途径。Practices nei-tan work is taoists achieve immortality is the only way to attain.

历久不断的修练身体,将会自动的变的更加柔软及更有力度…The body will automatically become more flexible and more powerful, but it takes time.

我以前会迷惘于太多不同的修练法门…I used to be a bit confused about the differences between different teaching approaches.

禁欲主义“来自希腊语“修练“一词,一个禁欲主义者是指一个克制身体的人。Asceticism comes from the Greek word for exercise, an ascetic is someone who disciplines the body.

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修练者要借由男女极性的神圣结合,搭配内丹功和炼丹术来减少能量身体的熵値。This can be achieved by sacred union between female and male polarity with inner and outer alchemy.

正因为如此,我认为,提高英语口语水平取决于个人修练的力度。Because of this I think that improving oral English depends on how hard the individual cultivation is.

在修练无上瑜伽之后,每当进入三昧与人交往时,行者对所有的人都变得异常恭敬有礼。After practicing supreme yoga, the doer becomes very reverent to everyone in his association when he enters Samadhi.

密宗是一种东方传统的修练仪式,据说可以带领信徒更接近他们所信仰的神。Tantra is an Eastern tradition of ritual and meditation. It's said to bring followers closer to their chosen deities.

这里首先需要的消除对象是叛逆双剑员,在职业修练室中可以遇到。First of all, we need to find Treacherous Swordsmen With two Swords. They can be found in the professional training room.

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当我读到拉玛那的那句话时,我正在进行一次大圆满闭关修练,指导老师是恰都仁波切。When I ran across Ramana's statement, I was on an intensive Dzogchen retreat with my primary Dzogchen teacher, Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.

列子是比宋荣子要高明多了,列子已经修练到御风而行,随风飘游。Lie Zi was much more advanced than Rongzi of Song. Lie Zi did practice and improve himself so that he could walk and drift by the wind.

当然,今日所修练的八支串联瑜伽,与数千年前的情势仍是相同的。Indeed, the practice of Ashtanga Yoga has most probably remained the same for thousands of years in the form that we still follow today.