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史密斯公馆.Smith residence.

这里是白公馆吗?Is this the White Residence?

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喂。这俚是王公馆。Hello. This is the Wang residence.

这是邓普斯特·奎因公馆。This is the Dempster Quinn residence.

袁公馆对面冯国璋的大宅。Feng mansion opposite the Yuan mansion.

是的,你可以在公馆站下。Yes. You can get off at Gongguan station.

可惜的是,这座公馆现在没法在地图中找到。Sadly, the mansion nowadays is found on no map.

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他们还防火焚烧了曹公馆并殴打了章宗祥。They set fire to Cao's residence and beat up Zhang.

“那哪里是普通房子,简直是公馆。”珊米说道。"That's not a house, that's a mansion, " said Sammie.

我已着手出售恩德斯勒公馆。I have set the wheels in motion to sell Endsleigh Court.

我正要到布伦特伍德参观辛普森的公馆。I'm on my way to see O. J. Simpson's estate in Brentwood.

隔壁几家公馆里的鞭炮声响得更密了。A string of firecrackers rattled in the compound next door.

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公馆就是其中较有代表性的一种居住建筑。Gongguan is one of the representative residential buildings.

你看看“花花公子公馆”酒保的密制鸡尾酒配方就明白了。See the bartender at the Playboy Mansion for cocktail recipes.

它有两处监狱,一处叫渣滓洞,另外一处叫白公馆。It had two prisons, one called Refuse Pit, another Bai Mansion.

太太,我只求你不要送我出去,我在公馆里事情还没有做得够。Madam, don't send me away, I beg you. There's still a lot I can do here.

珊瑚公馆、王派生活,给从不拒绝享受的一群人。Royal life of coral mansion, construction for group do'nt reject luxury.

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晋云波追随着秦汉杰的电报机信号来到了戚公馆。Jin Yunbo followed the telegraph signal Qin Hanjie came to the Qi mansion.

这位伯爵想要在俄罗斯大地上建一座法国风格的公馆。The earl decided to build a residence in French style in the Russian land.

重庆谁没听说过渣滓洞和白公馆,中美合作所的监狱?Who in Chongqing hasn't heard Bai Mansion and Refuse Pit, the prisons of SACO?